
PLEASE HELP! Last time I posted this I only got a couple answers....I need more!?

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I have sore/dry/cracked nipples due to a yeast/thrush infection. I've had it for over 2 months. It comes and goes, but it is really bad now.

1) What really worked for you? PLEASE HELP. I don't want to go to the doctor so I need home remedies.

2) Should start weaning my baby? He is a year old and I was going to anyways at about a year.

3) Will weaning help with my infection?

4) Is Cocoa Butter ok to use on the dryness? It seems to be the only thing that is helping.

5) Is Cocoa Butter(not the lotion....the real thing) ok for my baby during nursing?




  1. Cocoa butter is fine, but I would call around to some local pharmacies and get some Gentian Violet. It will heal the cracking if it is due to a yeast infection. I will just warn you that it is a beautiful dark purple and it will stain, so wear old clothing when you apply it (and wear your old bras as well.) Gentian Violet is safe for your baby's consumption, but he/she will have purple lips as long as you're using it.

    I also would use a lanolin type of cream instead of the cocoa butter (I really like Lansinoh).

    Please check out, it is a great resource for nursing moms. If you plug "gentian violet" into the search engine on that site, it will bring up a handout explaining how to use it.

    One last thing, if you and your baby are still happy nursing, don't let a case of thrush stop you!

  2. I had a breast yeast infection too! I know how badly it hurts!!! My Doctor prescribed Nystatin cream... however she also said that Athletes foot cream would work too and you don't need a perscription for that.

  3. Its not from thrush or yeast, You should probably stop nursing.

  4. for your baby;s thrush, use gentian violet. for you, use lotramin cream(the anti-fungal cream for athletes foot). My doctor told me that as long as you dont apply the lotramin right before a feeding, like put it on just after a feeding, it should be fine as far as letting the kid come back later.  

  5. If your baby has thrush, yes yogurt will help with that. You can also take acidophiles, just make sure you get it from a vitamin shop in the refrigerator.  The dry pills are not active cultures, when it is in it's natural state in yogurt it is active so get the cold pills in the refrigerator, they are active culture.

    also see a doctor, if its not thrush, the pills will not help, and you don't want to take anything is it is not 100% necessary.  

  6. honestly, i've seen my doctor about this, when i gave birth, and the only the thing that helped me was, when the milk leaks, you take that and rub it around your nipple!

    yeah, i thought it was silly, but i've tried it, and it really helped!

  7. i found this answer for you in Yahoo Answers. hope it helps.

    Because thrush is a yeast infection...eating yogurt will help from the inside out perspective....many doctors recommended it for other yeast infections and has Always helped me...

    When possible air yourself out....where nothing or where no bra when appropriate...

    One teaspoon of vinegar to a mix of baking soda mixed to paste rubbed on area helps a great bit

    Here is a great article on nipple thrush..go toward bottom for h ome remedies..

  8. creams, mineral oil,

    yes, your baby should be weaned when he starts eating babyfood

    Yes, weaning will help the infection.  the baby may be passing on thrash to you.

    yes, cocoa butter is good.  I used/use vasilene entsive care

    Don't let him suck anymore.  Pump,  

  9. Go get some good bacteria (ie probiotics) like acidophilus or bifidophilus.  Take 3 two times a day on an empty tummy and give baby 1 two times a day.  Break open a capsule and make a paste and put it on your nipple.  It should go away in a couple of weeks.

  10. 1. i would use hot compresses...vitamine E oil for the cracked nipples.take little breast milk and rub it on your nipples for the dryness

    2.yes wean himbecause he can to get it

    3.yes it will cause less irratation

    4.yes as long as the your baby is nto nursing are not souposed to use anything on your b*****s while  your child s still nursing it can cause the child problems


  11. I know you don't want to go to the doctor, but the only thing that will help is antibiotics.  That's why it's not going away, you don't have the antibiotics.  Go to the doctor.

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