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okay so i am 11 and i wieght 78 pounds and my hieght is 4'8 am i underweight overweight average of obese???please tell the truth and help me!!!




  1. Are you srious?

    Overweight? Obese?!?



    Your very skinny.

    Underweight. I was 90 pounes, 4'10 at eleven. I know its two inches more, but 78 pounds? Thats skiinnnyy...

  2. your are really underweight.

    if you want to stay thin, then just gain muscle.

    increase your protein intake and exercise,

    but please,

    for your health, eat childd.

  3. You are fine.  Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is 15.8 which is average healthy weight for your age!  Healthy weight is 72 to 105 lbs for your age and height.

  4. I just entered your height and weight on a website that calculates your BMI (body mass index) and its says your at a healthy weight.

  5. You are extremely underweight.

    Get some meat on your bones. (:

    Get up to atleast 85 or 90.

    It'll do you good.

  6. You are only 11. You are fine and definitely not obese. Its so sad that young girls are worrying about their weight at such a young age. I don't think it will ever stop. With all the tiny celebrities being skinny and always losing weight. You are fine and I know its hard, but you shouldn't worry yourself over something like your weight.  

  7. you are way underweight  no offense or anything but a girl your age should at least be 95-105 lbs  

    just keep working at it and i know you will Gain some weight!!!

  8. i was around that height and weight when i was your age. what matters the most is that you're healthy.. don't pay too much attention to the labels "underweight" or "overweight"-- just as long as you're healthy :)

  9. Well, I think you are a little underweight.

    Your BMI is 17.5 and it should be 18 or higher.

    A better weight would be 85.

  10. When i was your age  (I'm now 17)  I weighed less than you.  But I was completely healthy and normal.  So are you.  Don't worry.

  11. your 11 you shouldnt worry about your weight.  do me a favor look in the mirror if you feel you look good than thats what matters.  I cant imagine anyone who weighs under 100 lbs being over weight.

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