Naturally! Since Zeus never promulgated such a law,
Nor will you find that justice,
Mistress of the world below,
Publishes such laws to humankind
I never thought your moral edicts had such force
They nullified the laws of heaven
Which unwritten, not proclaimed,
Can boast a currency that everlasting is valid,
An origin beyond the birth of man
And I, whom no man’s frown can frighten,
Am far from risking heaven’s frown by flouting these
I need no trumpeter from you to tell me I must die,
We all die anyway
And if this hurries me to death before my time,
Why such a death is gain. Yes surely gain
To one whom life so overwhelms
Therefore I can go to meet my end
Without a trace of pain
But had I left the body of my mother’s son unburied
Lying where he lay
Ah that would hurt!
For this, I feel no twinges of regret
And if you judge me fool perhaps it is
Because a fool is judge