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Ok well I'm 13, kinda heavy, has acne, and really messed up hair. Well heres the story

Okay so I like this guy. He is 15 which might be bad? I don't know ,but anyways..I really want to change I see him in december I have at least 4 months to do something about all of this. It's also not all for a guy it's also for other reasons it really is so please help! :*(




  1. about your weight go to the gym, do some crunches, or going on a jog. about your acne get the wave it works sooo well, and about your hair get layers, highlights, something

  2. "kinda heavy" - work out a little, and eat healthier, like first start with eating candy like twice a week then less and less and less, do that with all junk food: pop candy ice cream fast food... and on and on...

    "has acne" - eating healthier will also help with this, eating plums help skin, just dont eat a bunch of plums either, like one a day or so. buy a  face wash and wash your face every day when you wake up and before you go to bed.

    "really messed up hair" - fix your hair. brush it and wash it about every other day. if you are not sure how to do your hair then just go on youtube and type in hair do's and a bunch of videos that show you how to do different hair do's step by step will come up.

    since youre 13, then dont put any makeup on. maybe just fix your eyebrows, like if you have a unibrow or something, but otherwise i think thats it

    well, hope i helped :D

  3. run everyday

    do not eat foods late at night

    buy proactive and use it everyday

    go to the hairdresser and tell them to do something with your hair to fix it up!

  4. don't you think your too young

  5. ok, first, you need to exercise.

    running everyday would help, swimming is really good for you too.

    but you need to build a little muscle too, because muscle gets rid of fat.

    also, dont eat right before you go to bed.

    as for the acne, proactiv works really really well.

    and for your hair, brush it a lot, make sure every once in a while you get your ends trimed, because split ends make your hair really frizzy, and if you really hate it that much you could try cutting or coloring it.

    good luck

    hope i helped

  6. start exercising and eating right and eat only when

    you're hungry.

    wash you're face daily with some good acne wash.

    In four monthes your hair will probably grow 2 inches

    so they might help it, or get a new hair style.

    good luck!!

  7. Don't change for a guy because it isn't going to last (I know this because you're 13). Change for yourself.

  8. sweetie, you shouldn't change yourself for a guy... if he dosen't like you for you, he's not worth it..

    but if you really want some makeover advice just email me and i'll help you. :)

  9. Well, make sure you change for you, not for some guy. You should change for  yourself.

    Anyhoo, it's easy to change yourself. Begin eating healthfully. That doesn't mean starving yourself. But it also doesn't mean eating 100 calorie packs all day. Healthy eating means eating lots of fruits and veggies, and NATURAL foods, not processed foods, like chips, sodas (even diet), and low fat cookies. Eat a properly balanced diet, and get enough water.

    As far as acne, make sure you take proper care of your skin. Wash your face 2x a day, and use an alcohol free toner, along with a moisturizer that contains a sunscreen. Make sure your products are oil free. I've heard good things about pro-active. I'm going to try it myself. But make sure if you try proactiv that you get the lotion with spf 15.

    For your hair, use good hair products, and get a nice cut. Here are some cute hair pics:


    Other than that, confidence is the most important thing. I hope this helps you!

  10. Start eating healthy and excersizing! It will make you feel better and confident too! Also I recommend exfoliating your face every other day, and washing it really well in the morning and night. As for the hair...I don't know how it's messed up but there's products for everything out there! Anti-frizz cream, deep conditioning, etc. Or flat irons or hair dryer/ diffusers?

    2 years difference could be bad at that age because he's in high school. But it's all about being confident with yourself and then you can snag the guy for you!

  11. At 13 your weight is going to go up and down, don't worry so much about it, if your family Dr hasn't told you that you are over weight then you are probably not.  

    Acne, well unfortunately at your age that is something we have all had to deal with.  Make sure you wash your face morning and night weather you wear make-up or not.  I bought my daughter (she's 12) an over the counter Acne wash, ask your mom to help you pick one out that is good for you. If the acne is severe, then your DR can prescribe one for you (my 16 year old Niece uses one).  

    Now for the "really messed up" hair, well being a licensed Cosmetologist for over 20 yrs, of course I'm going to tell you to ask you mom to take you to her hairdresser, or ask a friend whose hair you really like who does her hair.  Unfortunately not knowing exactly what you mean by "really messed up" I cannot give you any other suggestions. Is it dry? Frizzy? Did you cut it yourself? Too thin, thick, curly???

    Now as a mom, I'm gonna say if that boy doesn't like you for you then he is not worth your time, and as for his age...well...I wouldn't be comfortable with it if you were my daughter, but that is just me.  Does your mom know this boy??  If not, ask yourself "would I ask this boy over to my house to meet my mom?" if your answer is NO then that means yep, it's bad.

    One final "as a mom" comment if you want to change yourself for "you" to make YOU happy, healthier then I see no problem with it, BUT if you want to change because the people around you (boys, Friends etc) think you need to change, then the thing that I would change is those so called friends/boys who think you need to be someone your not.

    Be YOURSELF, love YOURSELF. treat others the way you want to be treated, and you will find yourself surrounded by those who like you for YOU.  

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