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Please I really need stuff that really works..Schools about to start :'(




  1. Ok. You ready for my advice? I hope so. It will work like you won't believe--but believe first anyway. It will require some sacrifice and trust on your part-- and a very open mind.

    First thing: Stop eating dairy products completely for a few weeks--COMPLETELY!!!, and watch and FEEL what happens. Dairy isn't designed for us as a species--though many people do tolerate it fairly well up until puberty and hormonal changes set in. It is designed for baby cows. Not adult cows, not baby humans--and CERTAINLY NOT adult humans. Imagine the natural reality. We are primarily designed to consume fibrous vegetation, fruits, nuts/seeds, and some animal flesh perhaps--though that is debateable at this point in our evolution. Mammals like ourselves, by design--with smooth tongues, long intestines and flat teeth for grinding are all primarily herbivores. Anyway, about milk--Who would naturally get under a cow and start sucking away on a teat?!!! My guess?--NO ONE!!!!Then--if that weren't unnatural enough--consider this: A COW, weans itself from it's own mother's milk after it's first few months, and spends the rest of it's life eating grasses and other fresh vegetation, unless it is fed by a commercial, money-motivated cowboy. It never lacks for protien, calcium or anything else nutritionally, because it IS DESIGNED TO EAT THAT WAY!!!! It doesn't suffer colon cancer, high cholesterol/heart disease, osteoporosis, or enemia, oh--or acne! We need to take notes from the animal kingdom. Eat lots of good greens every day and you too will become one of the strongest mammals on the planet. Ten billion elephants, horses, cows, bison, deer, etc... can't be wrong. Oh yeah, the great apes are also big on greens--and they have canines too for tearing/cutting. They are pretty darn fit creatures eh? Truth be told--we manufacture protiens and calcium, just as they do. We don't need to eat dead calcium or protien from animals to build protien and calcium for strong muscle and bone. It's the truth. If you have to have milk, try to find fresh, warm, organic health-conscious naturally-lactating (not steroid/hormone injected) human breast milk. Yeah-- absurd to even think about! How much more absurd that we unquestioningly drink pus-laden, pastuerized (dead), homogenized gestative fluids from a beast that is very little like us. Ever consider chimpanzee milk? Me neither. BUT--isn't it far more sane to drink milk from an animal purportedly intelligent and very similar in species to ourselves? I picture a monkey hooked up to one of those milking machines and I have to laugh. But it would be smarter than cow--just not as easy to do.

    We are also the only species of animal that doesn't fast naturally when feeling ill. It is ancient knowledge and instinctual in all animals to stop eating when we feel sick, so as to give the body the ability to completely focus energies on healing, instead of spending much of it on digestion, assimilation, etc... Three days without food is almost a standard routine for any sick dog or housecat. But OUR typical reaction is to run such an animal to the veterinary clinic in fear that it will soon die, only because we have forgotten an animal's natural remedy for ill health. Coincedentally, by time a 'sick' dog or cat ingests the veternarian's prescribed pharmaceutical concoctions, their body is already clearing out the toxins/infection that caused their choice to fast, and they begin to feel better and soon start eating again--while WE think the over=priced 'medicine' is what saved them and gave them their appetites back! Ok, that is off the subject. But think like an animal in regard to this acne problem, and you will beat it quickly.

    I suggest fasting scientifically, though a week with just juices, broths, herbal teas and plenty of water a day for a week is perfectly safe for most 18 year old males. Just keep your blood sugar at a reasonable level, and don't stress out or subject yourself to toxic environments during this period. (avoid polluted air, street traffic, smoke,etc) After three days you won't even get hungry again until your body gets totally detoxed and cleared of its 'dis-ease'. When you get hungry again, eat gently and chew very well, clean good foods. Replenish your intestinal flora with probiotics, and try to eat vital foods, low on the food chain, and don't gorge, as the stomach and intestines have shrunken as is natural. That also allows the lungs to expand and get much greater amopunts of oxygen into the blood, to the brain, and everywhere to clean out your system. That is a sure start to ending the acne cycles. I have fasted on water for an entire week, felt great by the fourth day and for weeks afterward, with perfectly clear skin. Two weeks after ending the fast, having consciously eaten a disciplined vegan diet, when I absent-mindedly ate cheese-smothered pizza with friends, YUM, and woke the following morning with my old oily, broken-out skin, my lousy feeling back in my body and the amazing realization that dairy was causing my face to look like a pizza all along! Each time I ingested dairy again after that time, I was immediately plagued with the return of the old symptoms. I have enlarged pores/scars on my face from years of unwise eating. No one ever told me to stop eating dairy, and I never would have guessed on my own if not for fasting. But fasting cleared up my acne, returned my peace of mind, increased my energy, improved my endurance, memory, balance, hearing

    AND my eyesight, and spiritually affected me very positively as well!!!! Everyone I knew wanted to know what i was doing to make the whites of my eyes and my teeth so white. It is like getting a full-body overhaul for free! Could it be that modern doctors don't reccomend fasting anymore because cured patients are a lost source of income?! (ok, that is a bad joke) The pharmaceutical industry would not want you to know that fasting will cure innumerable diseases and health problems. Not good for annorexia though...

    Get informed about the destructive nature of processed dairy if you have not already. Read up on what factory-farmed cows are typically fed, (pesticide laden grains, anti-biotics, steroids, and worse--ground beef by-products and more), how they are inhumanely treated, and what they are regularly injected and infected with, and you will understand why dairy is a leading cause of recent wide-spread acne, lethargy and obesity trends, and overall poor health in people who regularly consume it. Due to infections of the udders (from broken blood vessels due to mastitis of the udder caused by pumping steroids and hormones into milk cows to dramatically increase the yield of milk per cow) Infections lead to contamination of the milk with what we commonly call 'pus'--referred to in the industry as somatic cells which are allowed in the milk with more and more frequency and less and less regulation. In U.S., acne has taken off like a plague in the past fourty years, and our somatic cell count allowance in dairy industry is obscenely and shamefully high. All for profit, with no regard for the health of the cow or the consumer. That is reason # 1 to stop industrial dairy products from entering your body. If you already truly have stopped, which i doubt) then it is likely that your skin is rejecting some other type of bad cholesterol (animal fats) or other toxic oils/fats. Just stop eating all forms of dairy for at least three weeks (it is not as hard as it sounds) and watch the change in your body and skin. A month without it will help immensely. but that is only one major source of acne really. Avoid fried junk and heavily processed foods, preservatives and ingredients you cannot pronounce or find in a fifty year old dictionary. Sauteed vegetables in olive, almond, sesame or other healthy oils are much healthier if you must eat fried food at all. Try to eat what you know your body can digest safely without being cooked. Imagine eating only what is sprouting out of the ground or still alive when you pick it off the shelf (carrots, potatoes, garlic, onions, unpasteurized/heated seeds, nuts, legumes can all be planted and propagated easily--many will sprout voluntarily simply by leaving them too long in the cupboard!--try that with a quart of cows milk! no, actually--dont try that...) Try to eat raw, sprouted, organic, vegan and live foods for a month, while consuming plenty of water, fresh juices, little or no refined white flour, sugar or corn syrup, and eat tons of leafy greens. sounds like a challenge? It is--but it will heal your skin, and you will thrive if you do this, and your love life will improve dramatically too!

    The skin is our largest organ, and among other countless functions, it vents toxins from our systems just like our other organs do. It helps to rid our body of what does not belong, and cannot make it through the other end for one reason or another. Try to eat only vegan diet, cook almost no food--eat only what you can eat raw and safely--like an animal, buy probiotics like "Primal Defense"--a great one, and increase your water intake 100 percent. In a month you will feel amazing, if you are eating plenty of clean raw foods.

    And, again, if you dont eat dairy in any form already--well good for you!

    Ok--now! hold on, and again--trust me on what I am about to tell you... (but feel free not to try this route if it sounds too ludacrous to you) This might shock or disturb you a little bit--but it IS safe, and, in fact, another less and less talked about, but ancient proven health remedy. Urine therapy also known as UT, is for real. Read up on it, (just Google: urine therapy acne cure) and keep an open mind, despite what you may think if this is the first time you have heard of it. Our own urine can even be ingested safely most of the time, as well as used successfully to stop infections from occuring in wounds/cuts in the skin. It is a topical (free and readily available!) remedy for persistent acne infections as well. Used on the skin, it has an anti-bacterial, anti-septic effect. It is rich in compounds that are designed by your body specifically to help your body. You might be laughing, or gagging, and I would not blame you. But look into this too--I am not a nut! Urea is a most common ingredient in skin cream formulas. Where is urea come from? Yeah--Urine--not fresh from the source (it has been bottled and set on the shelf for how long?...), not your own, and not necessarily even human urine. Yet, it is well known in the industry to be very beneficial for skin. Read up on it. Read about how people have saved their own lives by drinking their own urine when trapped for several days without water. It is not a joke. It IS however, pretty crazy to imagine. Especially at age 18. I will tell you this--It freaked me out to try it the first time, but i have successfully stopped persisting areas of acne infections through topical urine therapy treatment at home, privately. I dont share this info with the guys or anyone in general. You should not either! You can shower off minutes after doing it, and you will not mind it after you get over the idea of what you are doing. If you do it, use mid-stream urine, not the first third (toxins are released in the first third), not the last third (the end stream will have less concentrated antibiotic effect) again, read up on this solution first before scoffing, and trust me--it is wisdom. but for your own sake--I would not go telling people you are doing this if you want to continue to be accepted in society!!!.

    Also on the subject of acne and urine, remember, if you aren't drinking enough water to keep your urine near clear in color, you are not drinking enough water. I drink nearly a gallon a day most days. I no longer have joint pains like I used to either. When the body is dehydrated, the intestines will recirculate toxic water from the bowels back into the bloodsteam which, of course leads to toxicity which is a major underlying cause of acne. and plenty of other problems. God knows, I could have been totally dehydrated most of my skateboarding life while acne tore me up, and I never knew this was a potential factor in skin problems then. i figured I was like a camel, and I was strong enough to go without all the time.

    I hope you are still reading, and not figuring me for a total freak. People regularly tell me I look really clear, healthy and much younger than my age--even when I am telling them I dont feel good. My health is not perfect, but it is improving all the time--against the odds. I know much is as the result of my change to a naturopathic diet, and increased intake of water, along with fasting and getting proper rest.

    UT isnt going to stop the toxicity inside the body due to poor eating or dehydration. It simply kills the baterial infections in the sub-dermis. You really would do well to get the body cleaned out with moderate regular fasting (try 2 days a month if you cannot go three or four)--read up on it (The Miracle Of Fasting, a book by Paul Bragg, is my favorite resource on the subject and will inform you to the teeth in such a way as to inspire immediate motivation, trust, and understanding of the bodys need to, benefit from, and natural desire to take regular breaks from eating). Did you know that earthworms that were regularly fasted in lab experimentations out-lived identical worms that were not fasted, by TWENTY TIMES!!!! Talk about secrets to longevity! There are some 80 references to fasting in the Bible. Fasting is a known spiritual and health precept all over the world. And you will appreciate food so much more when you eat again. And you will begin to make wiser food choices based on your improved feelings, health and noticable reactions to the re-introduction of unhealthy foods, like I did with dairy. Maybe you are not having dairy issues at all, but I swear, most people are just in serious denial about it because it is so addictive.

    Ok...I dont know you, or if you are even still reading this rant, but I have said enough for now. If you read all of this, open-mindedly, I am glad. Trust me. I have nothing to gain from this except to know I might help someone free themselves from the horror of acne. I would also conclude by saying--this is MY truth, and not necessarily the only truth. But if you research what I have written you will find no shortage of validation in it either. I know this has nothing to do with homeopathy, but it has everything to do with getting over acne, and feeling well again.  

  2. I would definitely try Skin ID.Just go to you should try maybe Puntragina.Sorry if i didnt spell it right.And also try Clean and Clear.Their new Wave Skin thing.I hope i helped! =)

  3. i had the exact same problem. and i know you may have hurd about this but proactiv is the best!

    i started using it and after 2 weeks almost all of my acne was gone and none was coming back.

    i know that it may be pricey but it seriously works.


    i am 16/female

    it really woorrkkss =p

  4. I recommend using a tea tree soap bar twice a day. Then after apply Tea Tree Oil. It is natural and the oil is an antiseptic so it kills germs on your skin. It doesn’t dry out my face or clog pores. I have been using it for a few months and my skin is 100% different. Make sure you use it everyday. You will see results in a week. You can buy it at health stores and one brand I use is “Thursday Plantation”. It is about 15$. I highly recommend this practice. It really works and is good for your skin! :) Good luck

  5. What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into acne. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly acne.

    Before trying any treatment, I suggest you read this informational source that listed the most effective acne treatments available:

    P.S. I also know someone who used to suffer from severe acne for 14 YEARS and finally got rid of it completely. She's sharing her story at her site:

    Maybe you could learn from her inspirational story


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