

by  |  earlier

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its a speech regarding my relegious views (dotn ask) and i HAVE to memorise it i was chosen in the top 3 - i dont know why? i didnt work that hard on it)

and now my dad said that i BETTER win and be in the top 2 this time

so i really want to cuz:

a) my dad is REALLY happy

b) i will look like a fool infront of 100 pplz

c) i cAn get watevr i want

i have to present in tomorrow!

i am freaking out!!!!

dont sa i shouldeve done it b4! just gimme tips (etc)

i know SOME of it

only like the first page - SOME of it (its 1 and a half page)

oh and i am 14 btw - if u need to know!

god bless ya'all who help me!


~ freaking out.




  1. make copies and put them allover the house

    every time u pass by it u have to stop and remember and close ur eyes while ur doing it

    good luck  

  2. i learned this in my acting class. never fails. take a piece of paper, and write down the last line of the speech. say the line OUT LOUD as you write it down. cover it up and recite it. do the same thing with the second one, and put both together, but instead of backwards, tread it the regular way. build your way up the speech until your down. remember, dont go onto the next line until the previous lines are fully memorized. ta-dah!

  3. I write it over and over again then recite it

  4. Your best bet would be to make note cards. it's old fashioned, but it never lets anyone down. Just write bits here and there, and skim through them. Once you can start to comprehend what you're studying, you can start to memorize. It all comes natural.

    Just keep reading them over and over again.

    Good luck.

  5. Well, if you want to memorize a speech by tomorrow log off of the computer and read the speech all night.

  6. Ok Re-read 3 times and than stop and play on the computer for 10 mins than go a re-read 5 times and than you see how much you have memorized give it 2 your dad or mom and say what you remember and they will tell you what you need 2 work on! Than after you go back and practice 2 more imes than go on comp. for 10  and keep adding 2 more times on 2 that until you have memorized it completely!

  7. here is what I did wen I was your age,

    Write at least 3 times.  Then recite it looking at the speech 3 times.  Then write it down again

    Good luck

  8. 1. Divide your speech into different paragraphs [ i'd say about 4 ]

    2. memorise the first one and don't go on to the second one untill you've memorized it by heart

    3. repeat untill it's memorized

    4. get your bum off the computer! a.s.a.p :)

    ...have fun :P

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