
PLEASE HELP ME!!!! In the Prince by Nicolo Machiavelli I need help with understanding the following things...?

by Guest60491  |  earlier

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-The role of virtue

-The role of fortune

-The role of fear and cruelty

-His veiws of human nature

-The role of military in ruiling well

-money and taxes

-and morality




  1. Dude, that's the WHOLE BOOK!!

    Check out a synopsis on Wiki or Google.

    OK, sorry to fob you off onto Wiki, so here's a copule to get you started.

    Virtue is a propaganda tool, nothing more. It helps keep people in line if they think you are virtuous, but it can be jetisoned for extreme cruelty if needed.

    Re Fortune, he gives this advice: make lots of allies and stick by them through thick and thin, you never know when you'll need help yourself-noone likes a fence sitter! and always have a reserve and more than one way out!

  2. Short, entertaining book.  Read it!

  3. See below.

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