
PLEASE HELP ME WITH MY STORY I'M WRITING :) please. what i need help with isn't hard. help?

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okay, this looks long and boring but please read it. so i really like writing stories and i'll tell you what i have so far on this story i just started, no it's not from my point of view or anything, it's from the main character's view though:

There's this thing I started, about two years ago, when i was 15, it's a book of advice that all the guys come to me to read, and I like to call this book, The Truth About Girls. Very obvious and to the point. It started as a note I wrote myself on my first date, which there soon came more notes and then they got put into a binder of mine and as time went by the more my friends found out and wanted to read it for advice. Soon enough the(practically)whole male freshman through senior classes knew. And they like to make appoints with me in the guy's bathroom between classes. It's a busy and complicated junior year, but it's cool with me.

So far I'm up to fact 213 in the book and today I have 5 appointments, one of which I've double-booked, but no worries, I made it through that and I'm sitting in 5th period. I have 1 appointment left, it's with my main man Steve. We go way back, and Steve wants to know how to get a date. He's never had one, I don't know why, he's not a dork or something and he wears axe.

Fact #57 Girls like axe

I guess there's just some things I haven't yet uncovered about girls. But soon enough I will and I will get Steve a date. So now I'm rushing out of class to the bathroom(making sure not to look like a dork doing the fast walk) and now I'm there, and so is Steve.

So anyway, that's all I have so far, I just started like an hour ago. What I need help with is the girl facts! I know I should know alot considering I'm a girl, but I can't think of many. So please comment me some! It would help if you were a girl cause you'd know they're true but guys are okay, too. Then if I agree with you, I'll put yours as a fact in my story. So please help and comment!!!! Please.




  1. this is actaully really good. you should post your little notes on a blog or something. im sure more than just your school could use the advice. =]

    anyway, some more little note things. hmm...oh, i got one. sometimes girls just want to be held. like forget the kisses and stuff, just hold us. wow. yea, thats all i got. sorry, its not much, but i cant think of anything else. haha.

    cassia <3

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