
PLEASE HELP ME!!!! best answer gets 10 points!!?

by  |  earlier

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okay so 2 day the guy i babsit (4 his kids lol) said that his daughter is in the hospital and has to get kidney replacement. (he has 3 kids 4, 6, and 8) well i have 2 go there tonight at 5 and i have 2 meet a babysiter so she can leave from babysitting them. ik this is really really wierd question, but should i bring a purse??? or should i not because they think im wierd and have my period??!!! PLEASE HELP ME!




  1. Well, ask around. Ask friends who might have similar babysitting jobs etc. and see what they say. If you need your mobile phone, lipgloss, or whatever, just a few necessities, I' d wear trousers with deep pockets, or atleast a decent pocket. If you need lots of stuff I'd bring a hangbag, just a simple one, to carry some stuff in. Loads of women have handbags all the time and it shouldn't be very strange depending on how the babysitter feels. I think he'd be too distraught/nervous over the operation to really notice! I'd say, if you have a lot to carry have a purse/handbag, if you have minimal things have trousers/a top with pockets or something. Hope this helped!!

  2. Dude, chicks bring purses everywhere, why would they think you were weird.  I think you are weird for asking a question like this. Give me ten points!!!

  3. yea u should bring your purse if u think ur going to start bring it never be unprepared and how do u flag someone as best answer cause i ask questions and i dont know how to flag someone as best answer thanks:)

  4. I say Go Ahead And Bring Your Purse! No one will really notice it. Leave it in your car if you can, and it really bothers you. It's better to plan ahead to take care of your body and bring WHAT YOU NEED, than later have an embarassing accident and then have to explain to the parents why their white leather sofas have a smear on them, and have the kids laugh at you or call you names.

    So please sweetie, take your purse. You'll be fine. You don't have to tell them you're on your period. They're most likely NOT going to ask why you brought a purse. I hope your day goes well. Oh yea, you should also keep your purse out of the kid's reach.

    Ciao bella!

  5. i think you shud do watever u wanna do and not worry about wat they will think of u. and if that means a purse, then go ahead and take a purse

  6. sure

    take it

    its normal for females to carry purses around...

    im sure they wont even thnk twice about it






  8. Bring it. They wont think anything of it.

  9. Girls carry purses, no big deal.  If you're still weirded out, bring a tote bag . . . with a book, notebook and pen, sweater, etc.  You're just preparing for the evening, and no one will know about the "extra supplies" tucked in your bag!  :)

  10. Carry your purse.  It is a female thing.  It you do not want to carry your purse, carry a bag with a book to read, puzzle for the kids, or something like that.

  11. lol BRING A PURSE, its an accesory make it match your outfit, and carry a book or something in it, or your phone and a snack so you can have an excuse for bringing it..nothing wrong with a purse...

  12. why would anyone care if u brought a purse. the world isn't that paranoid. the poor girls in a hospital, and you're worried about what people think of you and your purse.

  13. Take a purse, it is a normal thing, everybody does it, everybody knows what a period is!

  14. I always take a purse with me, if people want to think you have your period, let them. What's the worst that could happen?

  15. bring a purse is he wont know why you are carring around a purse cause every girl carrie a purse not only if they are on there period

  16. take a bag cause loads of people do or a purse if they say anything set them straight also take some toys the kids will love it

  17. Why would anyone think it's weird to bring a purse?

  18. okay you can always just ask a nurse for a pad and tampon at the hospital whatever works for you i guess?

  19. I have absolutely no idea what you're asking. I read your question twice and I do not understand it? They would think you are 'weird' for bringing a purse?

    Please rephrase your question so someone might be able to help you.

  20. get the stuff you need in a clear purse and your set

  21. I think your seriously weird!!!!

    What is your problem?

    Why can't you bring a purse to the hospital?

    What has your period got to do with anything?  You can take 'protection' in your pockets if a purse is an issue.

    You must be the only female of menstruating age on the planet who does not automatically carry a purse with them when they go out.

  22. Do not under any circumstances bring a purse!!! They may think your weird and possibly on your period. NEVER let them know the truth.

  23. I can't go anywhere without my purse and I don't think people think that just because you have your purse that your on your period.  That's just silly.  Take you purse, you're a woman and we carry purses d**n it.

  24. Bring a small hand purse.

  25. Don't see why not. If you uncomfortable with just a purse. Maybe a backpack.

  26. I would bring a little purse. They are not going to assume that you are on your period. Put it high enough where the kids can't get it though. The kids probably at this age still don't know about periods.

  27. Take a cute purse notone that is so small that everyone will suspect why ur carrying it And dont bring one to sparkly or noticable because then everyone will be oh your trying to get attention !! But i hope you like my answer

  28. if i,v understod this right then take a bag and put your things in it and a few toys then you will be ok.

  29. Yes, bring a purse. Most women carry purses everywhere and no one will think anything of it.

  30. Bring your purse and don't tell anyone you're having your period.  Simple as that.

  31. yes of course bring one. you are going to need to change your pad or tampon. and they aren't going to assume that you bought one because your own your period. they will just think you carry a purse. i used to feel the same way when I was young so I just started carrying a purse all the time. now I can't leave home without it.

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