
PLEASE HELP ME to access my acount . ıt says ıt does NOT EXIST BUT thıs can NOT be true! IM DESPERATE! ThankS

by  |  earlier

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Member since: July 22, 2007

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Yahoo says that my ID does not exısts PLEASE HELP me to access my account-Im ın need of my flıght ınfo. tel no. etc...

I can not log onto my yahoo account! "Yahoo" SAYS THAT IT DOES NOT EXISTS! ?? Im travelıng abroad and need much ımportant ınfo ın my account lıke my flıght ınfo. tel and adresses. WHAT CAN I DO-PLEASE HELP ME!!!! THANKS! There ıs no way to ask yahoo for help or get any assıstance other than thıs form WHAT SHOULD I DO? THANK YOU Dear Angel-person! No way to even report ıt to yahoo and get help wıth thıs problem! All I get are "tıps" and I go ın cırcles desperate to make contact wıth yahoo for help but get no where! There ıs no yahoo representatıve. I've begged for a reply but get nothıng. PLEASE WILL YOU ASSIST ME...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!




  1. Go to this online help form to describe your problem:

    or send a mail to customer support:

    or call Yahoo! Customer Service: 866-562-7219

  2. Did you try accessing it through the yahoo home page, sometimes messenger acts up but you can still get to your mail from the yahoo home page, just sign in and press the mail link it should throw you into your mail.

    Unfortunately if your account has been deleted it won't work but if your in here under your account name then it obviously hasn't been deleted.  

    Because you have your yahoo name blocked I am unable to check to see if I can view your profile.  If I could it would let me know if your account has been deleted but if I receive the same message you do then it may have been deleted.

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