
PLEASE HELP! My DOG is suffering!?

by  |  earlier

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I used to have 2 dogs-beagle and mini-daschund- and they loved each other! But, the beagle was not potty trained, so my mom gave her to my cousin! Now, she is always sad and hiding! My cousin doesn't know how to take care of an animal! I think she is 1 now. She doesn't deserve to live like this. She has a bad eye because it got stabbed with wire from the fence shes trapped in, she gets fed scraps, and she hasn't seen the inside of a house for months! She isn't being loved! I really want her back because, I KNOW she needs to go to a vet! She keeps coughing and if I don't get her back soon, I think she is going to die. (Another problem- the vet is very expensive) What is a fast way to potty train? PLEASE HELP!!! Either she is going to die soon, or she is going to be put to sleep because, my cousin is moving and nobody will adopt her. My cousin won't care if she puts her in a shelter that kills. ---Also, any ways for a kid under 15 to make money?????




  1. Get a job, dont care what anyone says go to your cousins house walk if you have to this is like your sister act as if your sibbling is going to die if you dont do something would you want this to happen to a human? do something as fast as possible!! get help!! call the animal police!!

  2.     I was 14 yrs old when I got my first job and used my money to buy my own dogs and pay for the vet plus own a pony. Beagles, being hounds, are tougher to potty train than many breeds, go back to basics and use a crate. Sounds like being humanely euthanized would be better than the home she is in..


    I just don't know what else to say. Report it to the ASPCA. Good luck.


    If it is going to die you need to help it....

    search for a new home!

    There is pretty much no way to potty train within days it takes weeks and maybe even months!

  5. If the dog is suffering and needs medical attention that is against the law and cruel you have to report your cousin ASAP to an animal welfare Charity who have officers who investigate cruelty. She sounds like a horrible uncaring person.I'm sure somebody will adopt her, your mom should be sympathetic and let you have her back, giving a dog away because she was not potty trained is not a valid reason, also would you mom pay for these vet bills and future vet bills? if the answers no then the dog is better of with somebody else. Dogs are like human children some pick up toilet training in a week others a few months  if you are doing it properly, and the dog feel loved and secure it will happen eventually perseverance is the key, how much time did you spent?, did you use proper prov en techniques or seek professional help?.

    To make money, get a paper round, walk dogs, wash cars, do gardens, clean houses, baby sit do whatever you can so that you could get the dog and pay for its bills and up keeps.

    Please get the poor dog taken away from your cousin!

    Did you actually speak to the ASPCA?, I find it hard to believe they would say that but if they did try another animal shelter, please don't give up.

  6. I know this is family, but you must do something NOW. In UK we have an organisation that will provide care for animals if their owners cannot afford a vet. I don't know if you have the same there, but a call to the SPCA ? or local Animal cruelty people would ease this dogs suffering. It's not the dog's fault it wasn't house-trained it should have been trained more as a pup.People who keep animals in the conditions you describe have no right to have pets.

  7. Talk to your mom about the situation. Tell her that you will potty train the dog if she lets you take it back into your home. Also explain how the dog is being treated. Here is a site with info. about training it:

    As for making money, try babysitting or lawn mowing if you are old enough. Also offer to clean up yards, rake leaves or water plants for neighbors.

    Hope that you get the dog home and taken to the vet as soon as possible.

  8. do dog walks with other peoples dogs and stuff like that hopes this helps i have a beagal and she is not house broke so if you get any answer on how to house train fast she is 2 years old

  9. i just got a beagle that was out side for months she 1year old and shes not potty trained very well smaller dogs are usally harder to train but get the dog back and start by taking her out every hour and use plenty of praise when she goes out side to potty also when your not there or at night put her in a crate or a place where shes got papers down to use the bathroom on and slowly put them closer each time towards the door but keep this up and she will learn to go out even tell you when shes got to go...... mines slowly learning but still has a few miss haps now and then but take her out at least every 1/2 hour even if she doesnt do any thing at first still praise her for being a good girl.. GO NOW AND GET HER BACK>>> if not report the animal abuse.........shes going to die if not somethings done about this and it will keep happening to onther animals if he gets any more..

  10. If you were to have the dog back do you have a yard for her to run around in?as much as we love to keep our pets inside they need to have a good yard to run & play in.If you want her back assure your mum you will clean up after her.She really needs to see a vet though as the cough doesn't sound good.

  11. Take the beagle to the Humane Society or the SPCA, not a kill shelter like Animal Services.

    First try a beagle rescue - do an online search for a beagle rescue in your area, email them the story you have just written here and see if they can take her in.   A beagle breed rescue will vet her and make sure she gets a good home.

    Do not let your cousin dispose of the dog - get her to a breed rescue or no-kill shelter first.

    Good luck - hope there is some responsible adult to help you do the right thing for this poor little beagle - you sounds like a nice person, wish your family was equally caring and responsible, but try a breed rescue first.

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