My son will be 9 wks old tomorrow, he was born early @ 36 wks & was a nicu baby. He cries ALLLL the time!! He even cries throughout his sleep. He wakes up crying!! He seems like he is such an unhappy baby or that he is in pain, but I cant figure out what is going on or why he is crying like this! He wont lay on a blanket on the floor or in his pack & play, his swing, his bouncer, even when someone is holding him he cries. He does coo or really make any other noises. Occasionaly he will make a few cooing sounds but it only lastest for about a min or two! Then he starts crying!
He was in the nicu for 15 days, b/c when he was born he had trouble breathing on his own & couldnt maintain his oxygen level. He was on a ventalor, a cpap, nose cannal, feeding tube & ended up needing a partical blood trasfusion, he had lung diease & phenomia when he was born. 2 wks ago, he had to have surgery done, b/c he has pyloric stenonis, which is where he was projectile vomiting, was consitipated, had very little wet diapers, and was losing weight very quickly/rapidly. The vomiting has gone away some, it is still there at times and he now coughs. He is on special formula for colic and gas, but that doesnt even seem to work. I was just wondering if anyone else has ever go through anything like this and if there was anything truly wrong with the baby. I have 2 other children and they have never gone through anything like what my little angel has been going through. I am taking him to the doctors tomorrow so hopefully I will find something out there!
I feel like I am not doing enough to help my baby boy!! I feel helpless!! I try everything possible but nothing ever seems to work, I try to cuddle him, change his diaper, change his clothes if I think he is too hot or add more if I think he is too cool, rock him, sing to him, feed him, everything, NOTHING works!!