
PLEASE HELP! My son has run away!!!!????

by  |  earlier

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Hi. I just wa;lked into my sons bedroom and there was just a note there! I read it he said he has run away and is going to go live in another country, what must I do? Please help




  1. LOL

    are you lying?

    please contact the police and report him missing and go look for him, call friends, or look around in the neighbor hood and ask people where he hangs out alot

  2. u need to be a good parent and go after him, inform the police, tell the neighborhood to spread, put posters of him up saying how much u love him, write it in the local newspaper, do what ever it takes, use every opportunity to seize and use it to ur use. good luck hope u find him

  3. R you kidding me? This is a joke and a really stuipd one, if this was real call the police duh! And i think its horrible to make a joke out of something like that!

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