
PLEASE HELP?! Setting up a wireless internet connection!! first time!!

by Guest60519  |  earlier

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Okay here is my long dilema - On tuesday we started up with virgin media, who provide a wireless broadband thing in their package.. we were given an wireless router the modem etc we were then however told that we would need to buy something called a dongal for each pc (we have 4) to pick up the connection.. we went out and bought these, and my pc can dettect virgin, however it is asking for a pass key!!

I cannot find the pass key and virgin are not much help.. ive heard typing in a certain number into your browser helps, but it didnt work for me it just brought up a google page with search results for ?/ which was odd.

So that isnt working.

We have a netgear router by the way, and ive heard netgear could be the password?

I really need help as this is my first time going wireless, please dont tell me to conact virgin because they are about as much help as a chocolate teapot!

So my basic question is how do i find the passkey?

And if the asnwer is to type in that i.p address thingy into my browser then why didnt it work?! oh and i also did the cmd thing in run.. that also didnt work :(

Pleease help me!!! :)




  1. When you setup your router did you enable the SSID - security feature?

    If so, then you will need the passkey that you used to set it up or go in and disable the secure connection feature.

    Look on the back for the Factory Default Reset Button and press it and hold for about 10 seconds until the Test LED Turns on.

  2. Have you checked the Faq's sections  Link attached. :)

  3. Since your ISP provided the wireless router, they should be responsible for helping you.  Verizon provided ours and when it acts up, we call them for help.

    It's sad to say but I'll tell you the same thing I was told getting my job in tech support at the college -- if the support rep doesn't want to be helpfull, try hanging up and calling back to get someone else.

  4. You should try to connect directly to the router with a Ethernet cable. Your laptop should just ask the router for a IP address. After you connect to the router, this is the part where you go to run>CMD>IPCONFIG and get your default gateway address. You then type that set of numbers into your browser (where you would type btw). That will take you to the router's setup page where you can adjust how your wireless network operates.

    Its going to ask you for a password and user name. Each are different for each router. Try netgear for the user name and password. If that don't work try admin for both the user name and password. If neither of those work then try a search online at yahoo or google for your default password. It might also be in the paper work that came with the router.

    from there there are a few websites out there that can walk you thru how to setup your wireless network. good luck

  5. Your wireless access point or wireless router also probably has network ports on it.  They look like giant telephone jacks.  Plug an ethernet cable from your computer into a port on the access point.  

    After you have done this you will probably be able to access the internet.  This means you are connected and can now try to access the router.  Try putting this in your browser: or .. it is most likely that one of these addresses will pull up the interface for your wireless....

    if it asks you for a username and password try:

    username: admin

    password: password

    username: admin

    password: admin


    password: admin

    One of the above will usually get you into the netgear device assuming they have not changed the default settings.  

    if you look around in the interface after logging in you will see settings for your wireless network.  From here you can either type in a new password or possibly see your existing password.  

    I would recommend setting your wireless settings to use WPA-Personal (sometimes called WPA-PSK (preshared key). and pick a password you won't forget.

    after you've saved the configuration changes, disconnect the cable and try to connect to the wireless again using the new password.


    Jesse Vaughan

    Owner and Head Consultant

    Blackhawk Consulting |

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