

by Guest57185  |  earlier

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I just turned 16 years old and i have a big problem. I am addicted to drugs. I drink every night, smoke weed every day and sniff cocaine. Sometimes i take extacy and opium.Im a complete train wreck and my life hasnt even started yet! I basically flipped my world upside cuz ever since all of this everything has went down hill., my confidence my friendships and relationships and school. I've from a family who is very hextic and my mom is never home becuase she works to support my family. i dont have much parental guidence but i learn to care for myself but i also party to much. I am about on my own with the whole drug use thing. My best friend recently stoped talking to me becase she is fed up with me always being out of control and messed up on drugs and alcohol. I have very low self esteem and am not happy with myself or chioces i make. I cant just stop haning out with my friends who do drugs cuz its not as easy to do then said. I need soem advise on how to do this all myself. Get clean from drugs. feel better about myself and to actully stick with it. I have talked to my mom about some of the things not to detailed but there is nothign she can do. Please help with A LOT OF advise becuase i am on my own.

thank you...




  1. you may need professional help to quit the drugs. but that is the very first thing you need to do.


    and lay off the alhocal.

    there are better ways to cope with life's problems. please don't resort to drugs to make yourself feel better. it will not benefit you in the long run

    after you quit the drugs/drinking, your friends will respect you more and you'll have a lot of em

  2. Join the military.  Enter a seminary.  Become a nun.  Do anything but what you are doing now.

    "Maturity stops when addiction begins."

    You have to completely change your environment and do it now before you get so deep you can't get out.  If there's a social service in town, state Human Services, high school counselor, talk to them and get some help.  

    My son is 40, he started addiction when he was 16.  His life is a living h**l, but he is starting to work his way back to being normal.

    The solution is simple, do it now, or do it later...later hurts a lot more!

  3. umm maybe like go to ur old friends n tell thm to help u out n support u even if thy dont want t talk to u text thm or email thm otherwise yeh go to a hospital but more likely rehab cuz tht stuff helps u n gicve u the confidence to stop taking drugs n being able to not fall under pressure

  4. well, if you are serious, report yourself to a hospital or rehab or something. Pray to GOD to help you

  5. The best thing to do is to stop hanging out with people who do that sort of stuff, keep away from them! And hang out with your bestfriend again. it seems like she would be there to support you.  

  6. I understand what your going through,and it's not your fault. Drugs are addicting and when you use them your not yourself. Also understand you don't have to do it alone,tell your friend your sorry and you want to seek help. They have certain places that help you with getting off of drugs. Maybe some of your other friends who do drugs are interested in getting off too,maybe you can try together. Maybe set a goal for yourself each week or month and if you reach that goal reward yourself. Like maybe buy yourself something nice,like an outfit or movie you've been eying. I hope this helps and I wish you luck,another thing that got my friend off drugs completely is praying,he prayed every night and he stopped within two weeks,it was amazing. message me if you need help,I'll be here.

  7. If this is REAL?!;

    First simple rule;

    If you can't help yourself then noone else can help you.

    You're 16 yrs old, get off the drugs now before it leads to further temptation of stronger drugs.

    You say it's easier said then done... but if you're actually thinking you need help to get off of it, then you have taken some kind of first step. You need to be the one who wants to get off of it. You need to go see a doctor, tell your friend your choice and go for blood tests to prove that you are off it. You need to tell your mum, see a drug and alcohol councillor as well as someone from mental health who can support you along the way. You need to gain respect back from people and prove to both yourself and them that you can get off the drugs.

    You NEED to walk away from the bad influences in your life. If they accepted you for you, then they would not be pressuring you into doing drugs just because they do them. They're not real friends, they only like you when you're using. Think about if, if you're smoking weed, drinking lots and snorting coke now at 16 what will you be doing in yrs to come? Breaking into people's places, stealing things, hurting family and friends just to support your habit.

    You need to remember the key factor is you walking away from the situation, you helping yourself before others can and go for help.  

  8. I believe you should contact your local health department or department of social services. (Type in "[your state] then Health Department" or "DSS" in Google.)

    Be honest, tell them everything and they will probably give you very good advice on what to do.

    It's too hard to go 'on your own' me. If it could be, it would be great, but you need to get help.

    I sympathize with you and realizing you have a problem is one of the first can do it.

    Please get help now, if you put it off until later, later may never come!

  9. It sounds as though you really are all alone which is one of the toughest things to go through as a young adult. Without the help of a prominent parent figure in your life getting over your problems are going to be hard, but don't lose hope. The first thing you should do is to stop hanging around people that put you into those situations or do those things, I'm betting that's how you first got drawn in to drugs. Next, find an outlet; find a hobby or interest that can be your anti-drug and immerse yourself in it. Having this outlet will enrich you and take you away from your problem. It may help you with directing the rest of your life and give you self esteem. Also, seek professional help. A free clinic is perfect because its free and anonymous, they can really help you. Last, give yourself a future, set a goal and work to it, try to have ambition and this can help pull you out of just about anything. i hope that this has helped, I'm rooting for you!

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