
PLEASE HELP!!! What can I do???

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Hi, my name is Jorge and I'm 18 years old.

I want to live in England, get a college (I want to study tourism) and I want to get a job to pay my studies and everything else like a flat for example.

I dunno what to do, I mean, I don't know how hard it would be to find a college there (taking in count that I don't have much money to pay an expensive college), I dunno if I could get a job there... What can I do? PLEASE, HELP.

All I've got are agencies that send ppl to study a year there, but I don't want to study a year, I want to live there. And they're kinda expensive, tho. :S

By the way, I'm from Mexico.

Thx for taking your time and read this. :)





  1. It really isn't hard to get into university, as long as you don't apply for a prestigious one. Although I'm not sure if it's the same for international students. But it is hard to get a job, even crappy ones because of the rising cost of living. Employers are not as willing to take on staff, although it is true that if you really do want a job, it is possible to find one, it's just that people are too lazy and it's far to easy to apply for job seekers allowance.

    International student have to pay around £8000 for a course at university, while UK students have to pay around £3500. Although there is funding available. And student accommodation is around £60-£80 a week. So there's is no way that it would be possible to get a job to pay for all of this, so you would need to get a loan & grants etc. The average UK student is left with around £17,000 of debt when leaving university. is where you find information about courses for university.

    I also wouldn't suggest studying in London as the cost of living there is a lot more expensive than in the North.

    If it's what you really want, then I'd go for it! You don't want to look back in 10 years time and regret that you didn't go for it.

    Good luck, and I hope i've been some help!


  2. There's a job shortage in England. Well London more specifically. It's really difficult to get jobs, even if you have lot's of qualifications.

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