
PLEASE HELP!!!! battleships are being sunk for recreational diving expeditions. What are the positive and...?

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In some harbours, battleships are being sunk for recreational diving expeditions. What are the positive and negative effects of this practice? PLEASE HELP I NEED REFERENCE TOO




  1. *******The positives are that they become sanctuaries for more sealife, and allow places for recreational diving to be done.

    The negative side can be that they snag fishing lines and nets, and can become trecherous to recreational divers once sea trash accumulates.  Abandoned lines and nets are a HUGE problem in our underwater world!

  2. I see all positive--they cost money to keep them maintained and floating.  Sinking them (after they're cleaned up of all hazards) provide habitat for fish and create a tourist attraction which is good for local economies.  Google HMS Cape Bretton in Nainamo, B.C.

  3. they make great artificial reefs attracting and creating new ecosystems allowing for species to spread into previously unuseable areas.....Negative effects are they attract humans

    As for references look it up this is common knowledge

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