
PLEASE HELP before have a breakdown!! =[ =[

by  |  earlier

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I was on the computer aaages ago and I looked at something...I can't bring myself to type it. Inappropriate. Anyway, I have been feeling such Extreme guilt i just don't know what to do. I told my mum dad, and they were understanding, but it hasn't helped me. I just can't forget it, I feel like I have ruined my childhood and my whole life ahead of me. I'm putting a brave face on it all but I'm just dying inside and I'm not suicidal or anything like that , but I just feel like...I need a hug, and for someone to tell me it's going to be okay...I don't know what to do!! can anyone help me with this? I know I need to do something, but I just don't know how to help myself out of this extreme guilt...I just feel like I have let myself down and that I'm dirty and strange and that no one will ever like me again...And i just wish I could turn back the clocks and undo it, but i know I can't but I'm still having these thoughts and it makes me want to cry, but I can't...........='[

If anyone will email me or instant message me that would be realllly helpful too. x




  1. what ever it is you looked at. and I can only imagine what it was. is not so bad for you to feel like you do.

    if I knew what it was I could help more. i

    f it was pornography , well that's just pictures of things that happen naturally .nothing is worth feeling like you do. just put it out of your mind and go on with your life.

    really. youll  get over it.

  2. What in the world did you look at!?

    Anyways, the net can be a disturbing place, no matter how old you are. I'm willing to bet that this wont be the worst thing you ever see either. Just try to move past it. Get off the computer, go outside, read a book.

  3. Time is a great healer. Ugly sights, like most p**n, can indeed unsettle you. Just allow for some time to reach spiritual equilibrium again. I promise you it will return to you naturally.

    However, your guilt complex is something else. I suspect you've had a Christian upbringing, and that you're very young (early teens, probably). You will have to learn that s*x is something natural, not something evil. The human being is a species of animal, you see. It is a mammal, which means it procreates sexually. Without s*x you wouldn't even be here. To be sure, s*x is often disconnected from its natural purpose, and practiced solely for the pleasure it can give. The reason s*x is naturally pleasurable is that if it weren't, mammals would not engage in it and would thus go extinct. So the pleasurableness of s*x actually has an evolutionary function.

    When s*x is practiced for the sake of its natural purpose (procreation), it is never perverted. Sexual perversion (the need for all kinds of weird methods, fetishes, excesses etc.) only occurs when s*x is disconnected from its natural purpose and practiced solely for the sake of pleasure. Sooner or later "normal" s*x will then not satisfy the person anymore, and he or she will have to invent ways of making it "interesting" again. Compare this to drug habituation: the "normal" dosage will sooner or later not suffice anymore, and the user will have to take higher doses. I consider s*x the biggest collective addiction of our times.

  4. Watching stuff like that is totally normal for one. And for two, honey, you can't dwell on the past. You gotta keep your chin up. I have done many bad things that I regret. But the key is to forget. Dwellings is a waste of time and is the greatest cause of depression. I'm gonna be a psychiatrist when I get older. I love to give advice. If you need to talk more, email me.

    Good Luck--It's gonna be okay! (: I promise.

  5. OKAY...  if your beating yourself down for something you looked at on the internet ages ago and your feeling dirty... I am assuming...... p**n maybe??  Let me know if I am right and I will continue...

  6. You cannot change the past, you can, change the future. Don't dwell on it, because it is not going to get you anyplace. Just try to do differently from here on out.

  7. Honey, that was in the past, don't look to your past, you won't move onto your future. I suggest  a therapist or someone professional to talk to. Everyone has their secrets and eats us up inside. i have a few, but we can't turn back time, as awesome as that would be. i hope i have been some help.~ sarah

  8. the internet has everything thats wut u get for being too curious u shouldn't worry about it jus sleep it off ull forget it, and jus lvie ur life as u did before u saw w.e  u saw

  9. There are a lot of inappropriate things on the internet.  There's a difference between seeing something that you shouldn't have by accident, and deliberately looking for inappropriate things.  If you saw something by accident, don't blame yourself...blame whoever put it up without giving any sort of warning that it contained something that some people wouldn't want to see.

    If you deliberately went looking for's normal to have some curiosity about things, especially things that you aren't supposed to see because of your age.  Exploring your curiosity is a normal part of growing up.  It has just been made easier by the internet, and by the things that are shown on TV now that didn't used to be.  You're not a bad person or a dirty person.

    Nothing that you've seen can ruin your childhood or your future, or make you into a bad person.  You are still the person you were before you saw you know that there are things like that in the world, and the knowledge may make you a little older and wiser, but it can't turn you into a bad person.

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