
PLEASE HELP! can a baby get a high fever again after the fever already spiked and broke?

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my baby had 103.6 fever last night with a stuffy nose and felt like she was on fire. this morning it has come down some but i was wondering if it can spike again? yes she is at the doctor. what else can i do to help congestion? which is best for breathing and congestion, a vaporizor or humidifier, or dehumidifier, i dont know what they are or what they do. thanks




  1. DOCTOR NOW!  get medicne so it doesnt go again!

  2. Fevers can come and go -- it's important to remember to keep the baby hydrated during fevers.  You need to put moisture in the air, so you need a vaporizer in the room.

  3. How old is the baby? A fever that high is pretty scary and yes it can spike again. Give her medicine depending on her age and moniter her. Baby vicks helped my son when he was younger. There really isn't a lot you can give them for congestion and stuff since they took all that stuff off the market last year. A humidifier may help though. It will put moisture in the air and make it a little easier for her to breath. I would stay away from anything with menthol depending on her age. My doctor told me the vapors can cause irritation to a small baby's lungs.

    Good luck!!

  4. How old is the baby and its not somethign big but one thing dont give it milk or keep it to a minamum because sometimes it will rot in thier stomachs because they are warm and hard for them to digest fast give the kid some rest and do not try to cool it down its gonna be worse just close the windows and put it o sleep  

  5. How old is she?

  6. Yes, the fever can of course spike again - need to deal with the underlying cause/infection and get that treated rather than trying to fix the symptoms only.  In the meantime, the doctor should obviously provide meds asap (Tylenol) to bring the fever down. that is first step.  You can use a humidifier to relief some congestion.

    If baby is less than six months, goto ER now as they will do more broader / faster testing, and may even provide broad spectrum antibiotics to deal with the underlying infection (after they've taken all the samples for testing).

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