
PLEASE HELP! can a baby have a fever and it spike and return?

by  |  earlier

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my baby 8 months, was up last night with 103.6 fever, she felt like she was on fire, it must have spiked and went down this morning. she is at the doctor now, i was wondring if she can get that high of temperature again or if when it spikes its gone. any tips on congestion and being able to breath better she is all stuffed up, would a vaporizor or de humidifier or humidifier work ... thanks




  1. i jus had a similar issue happen to me. my sons temp went up at night time and then down durring the day but not all the way down. but i took him to one emergency room and they said there wasn't anything wrong. then i took him to his hospital emergency room and they said he had an ear infection. so second opinions are always better. if the first one says nothings wrong. you tell them you know something is wrong and if they can't find out you'll go to another dr.

    as for the congestion nosy drops and the sucker outter will do alright jus as long as you keep ussing it....

    but def. if the fever keeps comming back get a second dr. opinion.

  2. Yes, the fever CAN spike again.  Sometimes during the course of an illness, I have seen a fever come and go and reach high and low peaks repeatedly.  

    Get some saline solution and one of those bulb syringes and suck her nose for her before she goes to sleep and that might help with the congestion.

    Good luck!

  3. Use a cool mist humidifier and baby vapor rub for her congestion. My daughter always spikes while she is sleeping. It stinks that it always happens in the middle of the night. My daughter had a spiking fever like that all last week with no other symptoms and it just stopped happening. Good luck to you!

  4. Use a vaporizoe, and also shut your bathroom door and let the shower run with hot water and sit in there with her.  As for the fever, it's her body fighting an infection.  When my baby had 104 fever, I would rotate giving her tylenol-every four hours and motrin every 6hours.  Call the doctors office and ask them for the correct dosage for her weight.  The motrin works really good with keeping the fever down.  Make sure she is drinking plenty of fluids in the mean time, so she doesn't dehydrate, if she has diareah or is vomitting a lot call your doctor.  And if she doesn't have a wet diaper every 4-5hours call your doctor.  Good luck and hope your little one feels better soon.

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