
PLEASE HELP! i am trying to find my son that i had to put up for adoption?

by  |  earlier

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i had my son Oct 15, 1999. the state of Oregon took him from me when he was only ten months old. after two years of trying to do everything i could my lawyer told me the case didn't look good and if i went to trial i would never see him again till he turned 18, if i lost the case. So i chose to do open adoption, pictures and a chance to possibly see him if the parents were comfortable. well i got a few pictures and that was it. unfortunately when i did sign my rights away i started using drugs so i gave up and tried to forget. Now seven years later i'm sober and starting to get my life fully together and have my 10 month old son with me. i found out from my family that they got information from the state 6 months to a year after i gave him up that the family that had adopted him gave him back. i just want to know how i can go about finding him. it was in Portland, Oregon.




  1. Hire a lawyer to look into this.  I believe that they can find out who handled the adoption (but probably not who adopted him) at the city hall where the Birth Certificate resides.

  2. If you can remember your caseworkers name and call DSHS. It's not an easy system and you have to keep trying. My son's birthmom has an open adoption with her second son through DSHS. She has to hound them all the time for info and getting her pictures like she was told. That is why she chose agency open adoption due to the state telling her they would take her child away as soon as it was born. Just keep calling and asking I know it will be hard. Just call them up and say I was suppose to have an open adoption and hear nothing. Be polite and tell them you have moved around a lot they don't need to know your history just the basics. Good luck. Hope you found out he is safe and happy and get to reconnect with him

  3. Call the children and youth services that handled your case to begin with and ask them what has happend to your child. If you have an open adoption then you are allowed access to the knowledge of your childs whereabouts. If you want him back then you will prob. need to get a lawyer and go about the process of getting him back. Congratulations of your drug-free life by the way.. but keep in mind you are going to have a battle on your hands and you need to stay strong. Make shure that your life is fully together too, that you have everything in order because more than likely they will look at your ability to take care of him, put a roof over his head and so on. I wish you the best of luck!

  4. Congratulations on your sobriety.  

    Since your son's adoption either never finalized or failed, he could very well be in foster care, unless he was later adopted by another person.  If he wasn't adopted a second time, his name will be his birth name.  He also will likely be living in the same area.  Since he's only 9 years old at this point, any contact will likely be through the adults in his life.

  5. why should society and your son go by your timetable, how selfish can you be.  Let him have his chance at life, and look him up when he turns legal age. adoption is not all about you, you know. Stop petting yourself first for once, you want to be a mother, this is what mothers do, they put the welfare of their child's above all else.

  6. First of all, I am glad that you gathered and pecied your life back together like you did - that is great and it's inspiring.  Secondly, I suggest talking to a lawyer, or somebody who has acsess to legal files.  Start researching your sons name, etc.

    I am glad that you are sober, and I hope you find your son and live happily ever after.

    Hugs and Kisses and the best of Luck

    P.S. That was very inspiring!

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