
PLEASE HELP!! i dont know what to do?

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Its back to school soon and I haven't hung out with any friends. I spent my summer in my house. When I do go out I'm always alone. I text my friends and stuff and tell them that we shuld hang out sometime and they agree but I kinda feel like they really don't want to hang out with me.

Today I saw one of my old friends go to one of my other friends house and they didn't even invite to hang out, and I was telling her the otha day how we shuld hang out and she agreed with me and seemed happy about it. I don't want to be the one always trying to get them to hang out with me but they never ask me to hang out. I don't wanna seem like a weirdo so I stopped asking them.

Now I feel like this school year is going to be the worst. I am going to have no where to eat for lunch. I don't know what to do. It was never like this. I used to hang out with these girls all the time and now its different and its not like I've Changed I'm still the same person. Senior year is gonna be the worst! I feel so lonely and pathetic. I feel like curling up in a ball and crying. I don't know what's wrong with me. People say that I'm cute and funny but why now that its senior year I literally have no friends. All the otha years weent like this at all.

Just any advice on what to do or how to make new friends and meet new people.





  1. Hey!  cheer up!  It just means 1 thing.  It's your chance to make more and more friends with the same wave-length, likes and dislikes, maturity level, goals, etc. as yours.  The senior year is the best  wherein you make friends for life.  Take it easy now.  Don't ever let this get you down.  In fact, you should be excited to meet new people.


  2. I opened this question and literally said woah. I am EXACTLY like you. I always ask my friends if they want to hang out but it seems like they never want to because they say they have "plans" It was never like this before this summer either. And I also haven't done much this summer. I know how you feel.

    I would try to find somebody new to hang out with, maybe join a club at school that you're interested in, and find someone who shares common intrests with you. It would give you a chance to try something new and find a few new friends. Maybe once you start hanging out with new people, you'll better.

    And Hey, who knows, maybe your old friends will be wildly jealous and be like "you should come back" and you can say "no thanks, i found some REAL friends" haha

    I truly hope i helped :D

  3. Well first of all there NOT ur friends if thats the case. if ur funny like your friends say im sure that u can meet friends. I would try to join clubs,after school activites so u can meet new people. this happends to everybody one in thier life. hope i helped you!

  4. You didn't say why you were at home all summer.  Is it because your friends didn't invite you out?  I think that once you get back to school, things will turn around and your friends will start calling, and coming around again.

  5. wow they sound like complete idiots. >/

    hey look at it this way, youre a senior! you only have one more year left, and judging by all the seniors i know, you wont have a full day of school.

    im having sort of the same problem, last year i went to a public school and thought it was okay but decided i wasnt going to come back so i didnt make an effort to make any friends with the people who were in my classes. well it turns out i AM coming back. so i go to volleyball tryouts today, a lot of the girls in my classes are there [i think, at least they should be anyways] and a lot of them seem like total snobs! :/ people tell me im cute and funny as well and i hate to act like this too! it makes me feel like a complete anti social loser.

    but anyways, look for people who look nice or seem to act nice in class and try to slowly be friends with them. [im a shy person at first so its kinda hard for me.] blahh...

    if you wanna talk more you can e-mail me

    i know how you feel! :[

  6. Well young one by this time you have expierenced social classification. There is possibility that these people you have considered your friends are growing apart from you . This is common among your age group.You were liked by them before and most likely still are if they were asked by some one else.These young people are trying to find thier way also so be a real and mature friend and let them have thier space until they get a little more adjusted in thier new atmosphere and they will come around. As for having some where for lunch look around there may just be a shy young man sitting over to the side wondering the same things. good luck and chin up eyes forwardand smile never let them know they hurt your feelings . They will realize this soon enough.

  7. I felt like I am having similar problems. I think I know how u feel. You always hang around with a large group of friends (anywhere between 3 to 10 people) and although they hang out together, they dont really ask you unless you actually join them. I felt like I was also intruding with my group of friends. Like they all liked me, but if I was sitting alone or something, they wouldn't actually come to me. Its like they talk to you only when u talk to them. I felt so lonely for a long time because ypu can see that your friends are more interested in each other rather than you, and you are the odd one out. I felt the same exact way. I realized after a full year had passed that you can't dwindle around people who only talk to you if you talk to them. You should still be thier freinds, and be a very good friend to them, but dont rely on them too much. Instead branch out, because there are other people in your grade who would love to hang around with you. Trust me when Im saying that i started feeling like this 3 years ago when my two really good friends started hanging out together more often by themselves than with me. I still luv them as I had before, but now I just dont try to get in their way. If they want to be together and not include me, I just simply ignore it because i learned that the situation is not going to get any better if I was just moping around. After 2 1/2 years, I really started breaking down from being totally isolated from a group of friends who liked me but did not include me unless I went with them (its like they would never turn me away if I joined them, but they would not actually invite me). I became so depressed and I spent a long time at night just crying by thinking that I am so alone. but after a month or so I got over it. I realized that you can hang out with the same people that were your friends, but whenever you feel (even a little bit) that you are indruding on what they are trying to do (say like u had to do a project in which 4 or 5 people can be in. If your freinds already have a 4-member group, and are hesitant to let you in as the 5th, simply turn away. They will still be ur freinds and like u for letting them stay the way they wanted themselves to be) If you need any more help in this issue simply add additional comments and I'll edit my answer to help you with your question

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