
PLEASE HELP!!!!! i really need this job?

by  |  earlier

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i really need help figuring out this business plan thing . basically what i am doing is bartering with a friend . she would give me free riding llessons and i would much stalls hay feed water the usally kind of stuff with horses . however to make sure that we both agree and that i am committed she wants me to basically rite up a bussiness plan so that we both get soemthing out of this deal . i can do anything with horse and she is an excellent teacher so i really think that this is an oppurtunity for me to excel in tyring to make a living in the hirse businnes please a little rough draft would be awesome jus please help me i really apreciate anything and that you actually red this .if you are a horse person you will totally understand y i really want this job .thamk you for ur time




  1. Tell your friend to seek a professional business writer. I write business plans for a living and they are not fly by night, easy things to do. Each one I have written either individiually or collaboratively has had multiple edits, hours of research and demographics, knowledge of the industry and the industry outlook, company overview and business history, identifying regulatory issues, and so much more.

    They are very complex and from a professional standpoint, I will tell you your friend needs a professional. The likelihood of securing a loan and making it a success is far greater when you make the investment for a professionally written plan.

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