
PLEASE HELP if you know the answer?

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How do I figure out someones IP address and if it's real? What I mean is CAN I find out if it's from the US or from over seas? There is a HUGE scam going on in Florida from "yorkie breeders and sellers" they all are claiming that they " now live in Cameroon" but can send the puppy's here................ I have got in touch with 3 people so far that all have tragic stories why they are giving the dogs away but are all now in Camerooon. I need to look into this - can I find out if they are writing from overseeas or track there IP address?? Or can u think of a better way to find out the answer to this mess?




  1. Are you trying to find the Ip address of there website? because that doesn't matter, I could have a website being hosted in china right now if I wanted to for 10 bucks. If your talking about going from some e-mail they send you to there IP then that is impossible you will only ever get the ip of the server that is hosting there mail. Even if your chatting with someone you can not find there IP because there will always be a server between you and them.

  2. Easier to contact your local police and ask for their Internet Fraud Division and let them track it down right to where they live.


  3. If you get more than one mail from "people who have moved to Cameroon" it's very likely it's a scam. Do not give these people your personal details until AFTER you have seen the puppy live and in the flesh and not a photo.

    This sounds like a variant on the so-called 419 scam which can be very dangerous indeed. Call your local FBI guy and say you think it's a 419 scam - (s)he'll understand immediately what it is.

    Anyway, to find out what an IP address is, try this ... From a Command-line type "ping -a IPAddress" (replace IPAddress with the address you've discovered). This will display something like "Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data". Then you check out who owns using That'll get you as far as that, but there are a number of variables so it's difficult to give you exact advice.

    Edit - I just checked and it definitely is a scam. Just google for "cameroon yorkshire terrier".

  4. u can see there ip address u just can't track it there is a gov agenci that dose though i highly doubt that the would serch the people for u sorry  

  5. if you have actual emails, then find the right header tat has the originating ip address in it.

    i am on holiday today, so I leave it to you to google a way to find the sender's originating IP address in email headers.

    then use google again to find a site that will tell you who "owns" a block of ip addresses (meaning which ISP), and there you go.

    confirmation is sometimes possible by doing a traceroute on the IP address.

    and why would an IP address found this way not be real?

    why would the ip address from a suspected spam relate to the location of anyone or anyone?

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