
PLEASE HELP its about my rabbit?

by  |  earlier

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i've asked questions about him today. so i called a few vets and the only open now said they can't take my rabbit 'till monday, unless i come in as an emergency (which is $105 just for the visit, plus the medicines and tests etc, and i don't have the moeny and my parents won't pay) i'm really worried about my little guy. he had a runny nose yesterday, and i stayed up all night with him, he seemed to be getting better, his nose isn't runny anymore, and he started eating and drinking but he still lays around most of the time. he was hopping around and being his normal self before and ate a lot of grass. am i just being paranoid or is he still sick?




  1. I think that you're rabbit will be ok.Did you take his temperature?It should be between 101 F and 103 F. Check it every day, twice if he seems to get worse.Give him lots of water and grass/hay.Don't let him get overheated.If you turn the AC off when you leave, give him a fan.If he has had a stable temperature for over 24 hours, I wouldn't take him to the vet.BUT if it spikes to over 103 F, I would take her.Rabbits don't take fevers well.

  2. This'll be, what, the third time you've asked this and I've had to repeat myself?

    I'm sure because he's hot that he's lying around because he gets hot quickly, not because he's ill- where I work, the rabbits do that all the time and that's in the middle of a fairly cold British summer.

    As I keep saying, keep an eye on him and make sure his symtpoms don't get worse- there's more details in the questions I've already answered for you.

  3. I think your dad is right, he just was hot and can get hot easily.

  4. if your rabbit gets sick again I would go to your local pet store and buy ultra care antibiotic drinking solution and peters rx for rabbit upper respitory infections but he may have been sick from the heet you cant keep rabbits in high heet temperatures or he will die most likly and dont keep him reel cold or he will get phemonea

  5. you said he ate a lot of grass , was the grass okay ? my neighbor last year sprayed for weeds and forgot to tell the people who live next to her and the bunny ate it and you now the rest....  

  6. okay so here it goes, i did the same thing! Iwastd my moey, the vet said that unless the runny nose gets all crusty then it is just either nervous, hot, or has allergies! So dont worry about it having the snuffles unless the runny nose is crusty and mucusy! If he sneezes get him to the vet!

  7. Your a little bit of both but you shouldn't worry too much for now.  At least his runny nose is gone because that would be a problem.  If he is having diarrhea then you should definitely take him to emergency because once a rabbit has diarrhea they will most likely die.  You should just wait and see if he's getting better. As long as he's eating and drinking he should be fine.  But just in case you should try calling a vet and telling them about his symptoms and they'll tell you if you need to go or not.

    but if it is that he's hot, get some cold water put in on your fingers and gently touch/rub the back of his ears and be careful not to get in them.

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