
PLEASE HELP - little bully hurt my child at bus stop, now the mother is harrassing me!! What can I do?

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OK.last week my little girl, 5, was getting on the bus and sat down in the first seat. When all of a sudden I see her getting yanked out of her seat and pushed to the floor by another girl.6,this girl just mobed here 2 mths ago & they live 1 blk. away. Anyway the driver said NOTHING and it caused the line of kids getting on the bus to stop, so I stepped on the bus, picked up my dtr. and very nicely asked if they could both sit in the first seat-they did and all was well.

Next day- the mom comes up (with all the other kids/moms there too)yelling for me to get out of my car she's gonna kick my ***, etc,tried to explain that I did not yell at her kid or scare her (the liile gir. said all these lies to her) but she just kept yelling. I'm a block parent/scout leader etc-i would never scare any child. So now when i see her at the stop with her gang of 3 other moms and she gives me the finger

or yells, etc. What do I do? Please help me asap-school's on mon.




  1. I am sorry to hear that... some people can be so rude and obnoxious... these are the kind of people that should not be parents...what I would do is try to ignore them.. is there anyway you can change  your childs bus stop.. if ignoring them does  not work you might have to contact the school... this kind of behavior should not be allowed around  your child or the other kids on the bus... this is the kind of people that I make sure I do not associate with..

  2. You are dealing with a VERY immature and WEIRD parent!  I have never EVER met a parent that acted so JUVENILE that she gave you hand gestures!!!!!!!  No Wonder her child lies, she has a very bad example.  She simply needs to grow up and mature and that dear takes time on her end.  I would let the bus driver know that you don't appreciate this kind of behavior and ask for your daughter to be seperated from that girl and in front!  I would be  appauld, that is just a very very immature way to deal with things!  

    The best way for you to deal with her is to ignore her juvenile  ways and maybe in time she will realize how ridiculous she looks to the world around her.  What a disgrace she is to that young daughter og hers.  What a CRAPPY role model!  It is sad to hear this happens in real life, I only read about this and see on TV, I feel for you to have to deal with such uneducated adults!!!!!  Good Luck to you.  Never stoop to her level because the minute you do, you are just like her, and to me you sound so much better than that.  Pick your child up from school or ignore her and express this to the driver and to the school.  The school counselor can out a stop to this behavior VERY QUICKLY!  Theres no reason why you should have to deal with behavior like this everyday.

    The driver can bann this child from riding and you won't have to deal with that or the school can take other measures that will stop this.  Tell the school if they don't deal with it ~~YOU WILL, and the police station is good with people like her.

  3. Dial "999", ask for the police and tell them you are being harrased!

  4. Ignore it or tell her t oplease stop in front of your child or you will call the police for harrassment. She will probably say something about you yelling at her child and just say i never did and if you believe that i will be happy to fill out a report if you would like, however please stop or i will call the police. if she does decide to bring it up to the police after you call them for harrassing you(if you do) they will probably ask the bus driver and believe you anyways with your good reputation of handling kids. And if she doesnt do it in front of the kids still tell her to stop harrassing you or you will call the police for harrassment. You could also get a restraining order so she cannot come within 100 ft of or your family. Therefor se couldnt go to that bus stop anymore.

  5. You should drive your dautgher to school instead of getting harrased by some idiot mother.

  6. You poor thing. Of all the things in life to deal with. If you can, try to feel sorry for her. Imagine what kind of life you would have to have to be an adult woman behaving this way. Look at your beautiful daughter and count your blessings. I used to work with a bully and my pastor told me everytime I wanted to join in her negativity or react to her cruelty to remember that she is also God's child and is acting out in tremedous pain. I t was really hard at first to want to pray when she was spewing the F word at me, but eventually (like 3 weeks) I was finally able to ask God to soften my heart towards her (not HERS but MINE) and after about 5 months I wrote her a letter and told her how sorry I felt for her and invited her to come to church with me. She started crying. She never came but she hasn't bullied anyone else.

  7. go up to that lady and beat the h**l outta her:)

  8. You should have called the cops when she was harassing you. Be sure to do just that if she approaches you again.

  9. Best thing to do is to send your girl to a martial arts school. However, this is not with the intention of fighting back. Instead she will be able to control her self better and feel more secure. Parents are so busy providing for their loved ones so you cant be around her for ever. If she gains the confidence from martial arts then no bully will be able to affect her psychologically.

  10. kill the *****! call the cops! flick the finger right back at her! just do somthing to annoy her she will get more angry then just laugh at her. she will get so ticked off! run over her toe! do somthing woman!

  11. Well at the next scout send home with  the children notices that say

                                   Dear Mother of (childs name)

    I am sure you have heard of the mishap (how many days ago it was) ago but i want to apologize for any problems (or making you bitching) and that at the next meeting we will talk about bullying and how to react  and what to do so this will hopefully not happen again

                                    With thank yous,

                                                                (your name)

    wow those moms ore bitchy!

  12. Maybe if you can, just start driving your daughter to school. There's not much you can do about the crazy mother. Some people are just like that. If there's any kind of PTA thing at the school, you could bring up the issue there, but besides that, I don't know what to tell you.

  13. Obviously, this little girl knows how to treat other people by watching her mother.  Next time this other mother does, says and "indicates" something to you.  Just tell her that you are sad for her daughter that her role model behaves so poorly.  Then tell her that you will pray for her - that will throw her off!  ;-)  Good Luck!  :-)

  14. I suggest ignoring her also. When you go past the stop don't even look at her(it just gives her the satisfaction of continuing her behavior). If she yells just play your music louder so you cannot hear her(and loud enough so she can hear it a little and knows you can't hear it).

    All behavior serves a purpose, be it an adult or child. She is behaving this way because she is getting attention. Stop the reinforcer(attention) and her behavior will stop. Don't sink to her level, that is probably what she is looking for, since she seems to be motivated by the attention.

  15. I'm a mom of 5 and I understand what you are going through. Unfortunately, none of the answers supplied to you are going to help you.

    You can only deal with the bullying on the bus issue, not a parent who is acting more like a child.

    You need to call the school and explain to them what is going on. Ask them to arrange a meeting between you, the other mom, and the bus driver. The bus driver is responsible for all the children on the bus until they arrive at the school. Where was the bus driver during all this?

    If that doesn't resolve the problem, you need to take it up with the superintendent of the school district. It might help that a parent rides on the bus to supervise the children.

    If a parent is bullying you at the bus stop, you can only ignore it. Egging her on, so to speak, will only add fuel to the fire. You can ignore her forever and she still might do it. You can how ever take your daughter to a different bus stop to avoid the parent that is bothering you so much.

    It is the children, not the parents, that are to be considered here.

  16. Notify the school that this mother is harassing you and giving you the finger in front of children.

  17. That made me cry :( Call the cops on the mothers or drive her to school.There are a lot of bullies at my school.My mom always drive me to school.Watch after her at all times.

                                                 Best wishes,


  18. you could try driving your daughter to school instead.

  19. Can you drive you kid to school?  There's a lot of craziness that goes on in school buses that if you can avoid, I would suggest to.

    It's not against the law to give the finger, but, obviously this mom thinks her little angel doesn't do anything wrong. Thats why the little prima donna behaves the way she does.....look at mom's behavior. It's no use trying to presuade someone who's obviously an idiot. By the way, if you decide to keep her on the bus I would get one of those pocket recorders and turn it on so if she threatens you again when you call the police you'll have proof. Threatening bodily harm is against the law. I would also talk to the principal of the school and let them know as well as the supervisor of the bus driver to let them know what she's allowing.

    Hope this helps. I started driving my kids to school because of stuff like that on the bus when they were in first grade.

  20. maybe you should report to police if they keep harrasing you.

    Or if that isn't an option, could you possibly drive her to school? Or maybe get someone to drive her for you. If you have a couple of friends that live near you, and get up at around the same time as you, you could have them sit with you while you're at the stop, so that you aren't alone, and out numbered. Im 14, and I get bullied myself. seriously, just try to ignore it as much as possible. Just think, 'Its not like they're S**t don't stink.' I hope I helped...

  21. most buses now have camera's go to the board and ask to see the video of that day and several after if you have proof you can also show the rude mom the video may also show them at the stop harassing you.

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