
PLEASE HELP my mother is going INSANE

by Guest64619  |  earlier

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ever scince about 2 years ago my mom has been forgetting little things. i always get introuble for this. i am 13 and she is 37. im scared that this could get worse and i want to know how to prevent it from getting that way. an example is yesturday we went to the movies and it was 7. i asked for choclate and she said no bc she never lets me eat choclate beffore bed. she sais it has "caffene" i dont go to bed till 10 and she dosent remember that i hav choclate all the time beffore i go to bed. she sais i never do. another example was a year ago. i got paied 10$ a week for alowance and i missed 3 weeks of pay. she only paid me for 2 and stated that i was lying and i forgot. my stepdad says he remembers but he just tells me to stop arguing with him or ill get in trouble. today my little sister who is 9 was gong to get her nails done. my mom promased her a maniqure and a pedi. i heard this but they got in an argument bc my mom 4got and said she just said one mani or pedi. my sister is now crying bc my mom forgot what she said. i cant go either bc she punished me 4 the choclate. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I DONT NO WHAT TO DO. our bond is growing weeker just because she claims im always lying to get my way.




  1. Sorry, I think this is just an example of where you are still young and she is going "insane" or forgetting things accidentally or completely on purpose either.  She is just the adult here and unfortunately, you will not get everything that you feel you have coming to you whether it was given to you in the past, promised to you, etc...  You will learn as you grow that sometimes you just need to accept these things.  Give you mom a break.  Don't beg for things and help her out.   Build your bond back up by being the stronger person then and helping her out.  Do things for her to help her out, even if there isn't a reward for you and eventually she will start rewarding you again.

  2. Why dont you ask her to write the things down that she says. Or tape record the conversation.

  3. This may seem strange but I would write a note or letter to her calmly explaining your confusion with the inconsistency, ask her to read it but before she does tell her that you don't mean to upset her but that you would like to understand what is going on.  You know your mom and the only thing that is going to clear up the confusion is to confront it in the kindest, maturest way possible.  I am not so good with saying what I mean in frustrating situations but when I write things down I am able to explain myself and my intentions fully.  If you do this though make sure that it is about the lack of clarity or consistency and not about getting the things you want like the choc.  Always treat your mom with respect too if you want to be respected.   Hope it all works out ok.

  4. Sally,

      I know this is hard for you.  

    As a parent it is hard remebering things sometimes IF I am very stressed out.  Sometimes there are things going on in a marriage excluding money that a child might not understand.  I am not saying what she is doing is right.  But, if you truly feel your mom loves you and you can talk to her, do.  There may be things going on right now in your mom's life that are causing her mental stress.  I hear where your coming from.  But don't forget your mom is a person, a women too.  She deals with so many things that a child doesn't see.  If you love her talk to her.  Don't point fingers or bring it up in a rude way.  Tell her exactly what you said in your post.  Tell her that you feel like you guys are loosing each other.  She will listen.  But don't forget she has a lot of other worries in life.  Happens when you get old.  Sucks..

      Talk to her in a friendly way..  

      Best of Luck to You Baby Girl...

  5. it'll prob be hard but i would personally just try not to argue with her. maybe she really does remember but shes trying to get out of what she said, is she having money problems? thats why she ddidnt pay you that week? or buy you the chocolate? or yuor sis both the pedi and mani? i would try ignoring it :)

  6. My mum is always forgetting things silly things like picking me up from a friends house she is probably busy with he job if she has one it doesn't sound like she is going INSANE

  7. I dont think seh has mental problems. She might have short-term memory lose. Sit down with your step dad and ask him if hes noticing and if you should get her checked at the doctor.

    Or she might jess be doing this to no do anything

  8. Don't argue with her. Just leave her alone.  

  9. tell her this and ask her to go to the doctor. also email your doctor if possible and see what they think

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