
PLEASE HELP! oh no!!!!!!!! my dog!!!?

by  |  earlier

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oh my gosh, i set my fish on the counter!! and my dog jumped up pulled him down and ate him!!!!! how do i get him out?!?!?!?!!? pleaase help D: :(




  1. Sorry but your fish is dead.Your dog should be fine if it's not allergic to him.

  2. Ummm...Sorry, but I would say your fish is gone, and as long as your dog has no fish allergies, your dog is going to be ok.  Just watch him, if he starts vomiting or develops diarrhea I would get him to the vet for a check up.  I'm sorry about your fish.

  3. take him to the vet  

  4. dont worry he'll digest it

  5. get a life  

  6. You don't, sorry! Going, going, gone! Time for a new fish!

  7. I'm sorry but i think your poor fish is dead. There's not anything you can to about. The stomach acid in your doggy's stomach is going to kill the fish. Make sure your fish didn't jump out of the bowl onto the ground. I have a fish that does that. Now i have to put something on top of the bowl.  

  8. you can't get him out with out surgury just get a new fish there not even a dollor per fish unless there big

  9. HE HE.Your dog will be fine.I can`t say the same for your fish.I solute u fish.

  10. i hope this is a real question.

    anyways, your fish is gone, in the future dont put a fish on a counter.

    and for the dog, maybe take him to the vet.

  11. Sorry, but your fish died as soon as the dog swallowed it.

  12. Wait a couple of day and scoop up the fish with a paper towel.

  13. I'm sorry, but your fish is gone.  The dog should be fine, especially since dogs use to hunt all type of animals... you will have to buy a new fish, though :(

  14. Your poor fish is gone my dear

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