
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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my name is David. I'm 22 years old and i need an oppnion. My right side of my temple is larger then my left side. I dont know why it just is. It makes me extremely nervous because i have a fear that i have a brain tumor or something!! you would not be able to notice the size difference if i did not point it out. Sometimes i feel that there is pressure in my head and i feel zoned out. I dont know if this is because I'm nervous or i think about it to much! i had a concussion about 5months ago and i had an MRI and everything was ok. Would they have found something if there was a tumor through an MRI? I did notice the size difference before my concussion however, so i dont know. It feels like there is more tissue or veins or something on the right side. So if someone could please help me out with why this is and save me some worry i would GREATLY appreciate it!!!!!




  1. Yes, a tumor would have shown up on the MRI.  If you can notice a diffenance in your temperal lobes from the outside, and MRI scan would have shown a large mass.  Tumors can be seen very clearly even when they're pinpoint sizes.  They contrast black on an MRI verses the lighter colors of your brain, veins, blood, etc.  People were made to be symetrical (right side = left side if you split us up the middle).  But everyone has slight differences that make the right a little differant from the left.  Ask a close female friend about breast sizes.  Most females b*****s do not match, one is usually smaller than the other.

  2. hey lol on my right temple i gotta get surgury so im with ya bro but... after goin to the doc i found it could be a psudoanurism (a "gyser" of blood coming from an artery just breading out of the skin.thats where im gettin surgery on. but id say u sould see a nerologist ( a specialist on head injurys.) if you live anywhere close to Washington DC go to Water reed they r a beast there. hope this helped and hope your ok

  3. sometimes our fears can get the better of us...if your doctors checked you and ran are probably fine....but if you continue with these fears they could start interfering with your life.   If you are able to, then request a second opinion from another doctor if it makes you feel better, it will definately worth it if it will put your fears at rest.

  4. i don't think you have anything to worry bout , espically with the mri but i would check with the doc just to relieve your mind

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