the pain is severe i had this for more than 6 years
My upper back always do a cracking sound on the slightest of stretches , so does my chest when i pull my hands foward , well everytime i stretch my legs my upper back and shoulders start to bother me a lot like getting that sensation of stretching and vice a versa when i stretch my back my legs get that tingly sensation the fact is i can't never be in peace is a 24/7 hours molest .
Also my neck feel like i have a needle stuck right in the middle of it in the back side
Also been to the dr when all this started but that sucker just said i had some tense/strain muscles which i did not agree . Back then it was a pain a couldn't even sleep i guess i got use to it
Some info - I am very athletic , i love jogging and it is my hobby play occasional soccer in the summer , done this since i can remember i think since 11- i am 23 now