
PLEASE HELP!?! why do I keep running into my ex- boyfriend?

by  |  earlier

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I doubt that this is more than a coincidence.

I was having lunch with one of my friends at the local plaza in front of the community college I attend and out of nowhere I see my ex....

And his friend ... who happens to be in the same class as me.

I have a feeling his friend told him to come to the plaza because he saw me there.

I didn't know that that guy in my class was his friend up until now. Now i feel like he asks people to watch over me.

and he even has the nerve to message me online and sends me weird text messages, saying he misses me when he knows I moved on.

Do you think he came to the plaza on purpose??




  1. He came on purpose of course, but I think you know that. Keep ignoring him and he'll move on.  

  2. Yeah its on purpose...he still wants you...don't talk about your plans out loud when you're going out...then no one can over hear and let him in on the plans...

    Guys are stupid and make situations awkward!

  3. mabye hes  stalking you!

    lol jk...


    its just mabye a coincidence.

    and yes he probably still misses you

    but i mean put yourself in his shoes...

    he knows youve moved on, but he still

    cant help but like you, and doesnt want you to

    think that he was stalking you

  4. Paranoid much?

  5. i think he wanted to meet you there on purpose. find a new place to hang out that isnt a place he'd expect you to go.  

  6. ya he probably did but if he's sending you creepy mesages then try not to notice him as much, he might take it the wrong way and think youre just as intrested in him again.

  7. I doubt it was a coincidence. I'm not sure exactly why you broke up, but if it's nothing too serious, maybe you could give him a second chance.

  8. I see my ex's all the time. Its really hard, because once you have stopped thinking about them, they pop up and you begin going through all the wrongs and rights of what happened in your relationship.

    All you can do is distance yourself as much as possible, and if you do see him (and his friend who is in your class) casually wave, make it "cool" between you all. Then they will think that you are not worried by seeing him.

    Yes you might feel strange at first but its always going to feel strange, because you have shared something. It gets easier just to give a wave. I sometimes see my ex while driving and just give a wave, it cant do any harm, especially if you are both moving on. As for the messages, maybe get a new number and dont give it out to anyone who is affiliated with your ex or the friend, this will avoid any weird messages coming in. It could have been that he wanted to bump into on purpose because he wants to see what you are up too, or it could have just been that you gave his friend the idea to hang out at the plaza and they decided to go.

  9. yeah. he still likes you...

  10. Maybe it's a sign from God that he will play a significant role in you're life, and you should get back together or keep contact...


  12. hey wants u back because he made a huge mistaks breaking up with u  

  13. being that it's a first time thing i'd say maybe just a coincidence... however if it keeps happening or you have a gut feeling about ityour probably right about it and he probably is dealing with the fact that he's realizing he effed up! stick to your guns you broke things off for a reason... Maybe try going somewhere else if you don't want to see him

  14. it's a good shot give him a few weeks he'll get over it. if he broke up with you he's regretting it. if you broke up with him he wishes you hadn't and he'll like you for another good 2 weeks.

  15. I think it's just a coincidence, BUT if it happens again,then you and me both know it isn't

  16. he could be a stalker watch your back

  17. probally a sign that u should go bac out?

  18. omg i have the same problem i just started highschool and i see my ex named ben everywhere. just act like you dont notice them and AVOId EYE CONTACT. omg i was at my locker and my exs friend tyler was behind me and i didnt notice my ex until i turned around and we were like face to face and he looked at me like he saw death and all i could think about was that expression that he gave me for the rest of they day it was horrible... BUT I FEEL YOUR PAIN!

    and idt he would b that stalkerish to go to the plaza just to stare at you... if he was by himself then yes. if there was other ppl there then yea it was prolly a coincedence;...

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