
PLEASE HELP!!How do I get my GI bill in full? ?

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PLEASE HELP!!How do I get my GI bill in full? ?

I was in the army and got honerable discharged. my friend said he got his GI bill in full and the army put it in his bank account. I was promised 15000 on paper and now id like to collect it.




  1. i have never heard of that...

  2. they only pay you depending on the full time or part time status you're currently attending college.

    The money is never given in a lump sum and 15000 hasn't been a GI Bill number since the freaking 80s.  

    You've been told either some BS or you misunderstood

    ...and you HAVE 10 YEARS to use it, not 24 months.

    @ webassault, you're info is a bit off.  Checks every month?--not in this day and age.  24 months?  It's 10 years.  3.0 Avg?  jeesh.

  3. Your GI BIll is paid in monthly payments.

    Depending on your College class load.

    You get more money monthly as a full time student, than you do as a half time student.

    You have to be enrolled in college and apply to the va to start recieving it.

  4. Good luck. They approve your benefits, then retract their previous adjudication, then send you to collections at the Treasury Department.

    At least that was my experience with those criminally-inept imbeciles.

    The VA would be better off run by trained monkeys.*


    *maybe even untrained monkeys

  5. You had to of paid into it. You have to be using it within 24 months after your ETS. You cannot collect in full. You get monthly checks but have to maintain a 3.0 or higher and prove your attendance.

  6. you must be enrolled in college.  the college has somebody in the Bursar's office who can help you fill out the paperwork to get the money.  

    you do NOT get it in one lump sum, you get monthly payments so long as you are in school at least part time.  

  7. LMAO - you don't get paid in full. You apply for the benefit and get reimbursed in increments.

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