
PLEASE HELP!My family makes fun of me for opening up to my therapist!What do I do?

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as far as i know if u want help u have to go along w/ therapy...

i have a therapist b/c of my drug addict family stressing me out to the point where i've passed out & i now refuse to eat

my sister & mom were just makin fun of me fer the things about my family i told my therapist.

the funny thing is my sister has one too but i'm the crazy one b/c my family duznt love me and puts me down everyday??

i didnt do ne thing to her today and she wuz starting c**p as soon as i started talkin to my mom about gettin walls in my room cuz i need some.

my mom had to b there fer my first appointment & she wuz talkin c**p about what i said to my family.

b/c i didnt lie like she did bout everything & i called her out infront of my therapist while she wuz sucking up to her

i'm sick of living everyday cryin, wantin to runaway b/c there's no one to talk to

my mom just puts on this front

should i tell my therapist everything still?

should i just tell my therapist right away i can't talk with her there?

i don't know what to do please help!!




  1. Okay, I have similar problems to you.

    But if you want help, block you're family's insults out.

    I just pretty much kicked mine out of my life.

    I don't talk to them as much as I used to cause I don't trust them.

    I went to a therapist and told her everything. I used to cut.

    But now I'm better. Although my parents aren't.

    But I'm still happy. So don't think that the therapist is gonna make you're family better. She/He is just there to make you happy.

    So tell your therapist everything.

    And hope for the best.

    And don't run away, it's pretty much suicide.

    There's no way to go to college (money) then you cant get a job and you'll have no house. So you'll either starve to death or something worse. Common sense.

  2. first stop telling your mom about your sessions. i know you said she had to be there for 1st one but dont take her to any more. just tell your therpist everything including your mom was lying. your therpist is smart. she saw what went on and could read between the lines. you were right to call your mom out. it showed your therpist that your problems are real. as far as your mom and sis making fun of you, just walk away. dont even try to defend yourself. it wont do any good anyway. if you must say something, just say, well at least im getting help. or at least i can admit i have problems, too bad you cant. the more you argue the more they will twist your words and emotions and the more they will find to make fun of. they are jealous you want out of your life. dont run away. you take your problems with you when you run and create new ones. be strong and face your problems head on. show no fear. you are in charge of your destiny. no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

  3. you have got to trust your therapist.   tell her everything. your family will eventually let down their guard a little

    meanwhile.. if you are in highschool. make really d**n good grades. then get accepted to the furthest away college you can find (in state unless you want to be in debt),  do something good with your life and leave all your problems at home.  

  4. You have to be open to your therapist at all times if not its just a waste of time. Dont talk to your family about what you talk to your therapist its just going to confuse you. Your therapist is the professional not your family.

  5. It sounds as though you have a lot of questions and a lot of things running through your head. I would definately recommend that you continue with your sessions because you need an objective person who will help you to make the decisions to be happy in your own life. If your sister and your mother are unhappy, it's because of the decisions that they have made in their lives, yet they want to pull you down into their unhappiness, which is just selfish and wrong.

    Vent to your therapist about what is going on and perhaps they can help you find strategies that will help you cope. Their job is to help you and you need the one-on-one attention and support. You get to set the boundaries of what it is you want to talk about and you should be able to reserve the right to speak to your therapist without anyone else around if that is going to be helpful to you. Call your therapist and let them know that you want to speak to them in private during the next session and give them the reasons. If you don't have their number, wait until the next session and ask for a business card so that you can call them.  

  6. Hellow, ran across your question and had to stop to tell you that you are special, God loves you, he knows what your going through and will give you all the confert you need it you ask him.  You should tell your doctor whats going on in your life, its important that you get all of problems your facing out in the open even if others dont like it. Your sessions cant help you if you dont tell the truth.  I have found that the child that God have the highest calling on uselly have alot coming at them.  You are special whatever you do dont runaway!!!!!! The problems your having will pass and you will come out stronger and wiser and will ultimately be able to help others like yourself because you know what they are going through.  Be strong you will be ok. God loves and I do too. The truth hurts but it will also set you free.  

  7. If you can't talk openly to your therapist then there is no point in going. You don't need to tell your family what you talk about in your sessions, after all it sounds like it is because of your family that you go to the therapist. I think you should keep telling your therapist everything regardless of what your family say.  

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