
PLEASE I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!! ?

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What would you rather be?

If you have equal affinity for both RN and Pharmacist, what would you rather be?

Note: Pharmacy school is 4 yrs + prerequisites

Nursing school is 2 yrs + prerequisites

ohhh, and why please.




  1. nursing school you can help people which should make you feel good, and they make a lot more money and there is room to expand

  2. Well my mom and dad are both pharmacists and they say it's a horrible job because of the hours you have to work and everything...

  3. pharmist

  4. Pharmacy...less blood, vomit, fecal matter, and angry misguided family member screaming and driving you nuts.

  5. Pharmacist  

  6. When deciding between possible career options, there are many things to take into consideration:

    1) Salary range

    2) Work schedule (i.e. shift work or regular schedule)

    3) Room for advancement

    4) Additional training (will ongoing training be required to stay on top of the field)

    5) Employment rate in your area (will moving be required to receive your peak salary)

    6) As you mentioned, amount of time spent for schooling

    In the end, speak to both pharmacists and registered nurses, and ask them about their experiences in their jobs. The best place to get advice is always directly from the horse's mouth (so to speak).

  7. what ever is cheaper!!! and will make you more money

  8. well hospitals and what not always need more nurses, however, the pharmaceutical companies make big bucks so its up to you

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