
PLEASE I NEED UR HELP!!! I beg u guys!! 10 pts!! please!!?

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0 LIKES UnLike 15 going to be a softmore this year.. school starts next wednesday... im not happy with my GPA at all!! because fresh year...I was busy with everything..and I didnt care that much about my studies.. I have a sad 3.1338 G.P.A, what and how can I do to bring my grades up...and I can i get strat As? is there a seceret to it long to study daily...what to do, to get better test scores... ect..please guys i love u guys...u help me with everything please help on this one to! :) thanks




  1. Study when there are tests for an hour then take a break then an hour and break.  Keep doing that and you'll get your studying done and still get rest.  Make sure you get to bed at a good time and work hard on homework.  Hope this helps!

  2. study study study. really try to stay focused and make sure you don't skip any home work assignments. also make sure you are participating in class, (like raise your hand to answer questions your teacher ask). if you get a bad grade on a test dont freak! just study better next time and dont be afriad to ask for help, thats what teachers get payed to do. (=

    i'm in AP Chem. and AP Bio. but i fail at everything else, i suck at english, history, and i defiantly suck at math. but i still try my best and thats what matters most.

  3. I had almost straight As in HS (2 A-s). I don't believe there is a secret to it; a big thing for me is I make sure to know what the teachers want, and focus on that. Be sure to know what type of material is covered in quizzes and tests, and what types of questions. If there will be essay questions, practice based on questions at the end of chapters in the text book, and really focus on what ever your teacher spends the most time on. I always did my hardest homework first (ew, math), and I did not procrastinate (really). I did homework every day, right after school. Consider what your priorities are, including activities, because you do need time to do school work, and you should be realistic about this.

    Hope this helps

  4. I'm gonna be a 8th grader and every year i've hav a 3.85 or higher. I just know my secret do what you want I never, ever study.

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