Last night i had a horrible dream. My friends and I were away at some woodland beachy area where we were camping. My friend tess had come along and all of our friends had found out she died. I'm not sure the cause of her death, but we all found out and were hysterically crying. We all were writing her name on rocks and trees. I freaked out and was crying uncontrollably and walked down the beach. I couldn't help but fall over and just lay there with my head down balling my eyes out. Some girls on my field hockey team were there and said "well she has no shame". I had walked down to the beach because i really wanted to write my message to her on this huge rock coming out of the ocean. Then somehow we were all back from the vacation and all my friends were planning to take another trip before school started.I was in the other room and left a message on Tess' phone. I can't remember exactly what the message said but it was somewhere along the lines of "tessiee! i miss you so much..i am so mad that god has taken you away from us and i will never forgive him for that,but of course there isn't a god, right! haha .. i will never forget you .. i think about you every minute of every hour of every day .. even though you have passed away, you will forever be with me in my heart..i love you." And i woke up from that dream at an earlier hour that i usually wake up and i couldn't stop crying for about 15 minutes.If you could help me with this dream it'd be great!!!