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How can I convince my parents to get a bunny? I would rather have a bunny than anything in the world, it is my b-day on September 7th and I REALLY want a bunny! The thing is that my parents probably would let me have a bunny, but I have 2 hamsters right now. I barely play with them because they are really hard to hold because they jump out of your hands, I would hold a bunny WAY more because they are easier to hold! I am willing to give my brother (15 years old) my hamsters, because he plays with them more than I do! I REALLY want a bunny, I think I made that clear, and I would do ANYTHING for one, I have asked my mom, and she just said that she would talk to my dad about it, I want to know what I can do to convince my mom and dad that I would hold, take care of and pay attention to a bunny? PLEASE HELP!




  1. wait until your birthday, and see what you get.

  2. Wow you REALLY want a bunny lol.All you have to do is tell you parents what you just told us! Plus keep reminding your parents  you  really want the bunny and you will any thing for one.  

  3. dont get one ..they **** p**s and eat and stink!!!!!!!!  


  5. Hon, bunnies are a lot of work.  You do not want a bunny.  But happy birthday anyway!

  6. Trust me, bunnies are not easier to hold then hamsters. They're much, much, MUCH bigger, and they scratch O_o Good Luck, though, and Happy Birthday!

  7. I have two they are really hard work and need a big, secure outdoor enclosure. They are no way easier then hamsters to hold! I have gotten some bad scratches and had to go to hospital once because I got a deep cut that wouldn't stop bleeding. It will be hard to convince your parents since you don't bother looking after your hamsters, more then likely the rabbit will end up the same way.

  8. Hi there.  You need to be in the pet department.

    Unless a bunny was hand raised it too will jump out of your hands and pee all over you as well.

    Give your brother the hamsters now and then do research on caring for a bunny.

    Have you considered a kitten?  There are many of them being killed at your local animal shelter today.  They can be real cuddly and you will be able to hold several and choose one.  Good luck!

  9. They do need a lot of attention actually. I have to clean my bunny's cage every day, feed her twice a day, and make sure she has fresh water every day. How old are you? I am 21 and this is my third bunny since I was 7. Just show your parents how responsible you are and tell them you will be giving your hamsters to your brother! I love my little, well BIG bunny lol. Her name is snowball and she is a mini-lop. Just to let you know, they can be a lot of work!

  10. what makes you think a bunny will be easier? they are not easy to hold, until you interact and train them a lot, until then get ready for a lot of kicks and scratches!!!! plus the maintenance is a lot more for a rabbit, yes the cute little bunny grows up to be a rabbit, they have to have their cage cleaned daily, they need baths, nail trims, and vet visits, their food cost more and they require a more complex diet than a hamster. not to mention they are smarter and will need more enrichment than a hamster, since you do not care for your hammys your parents probably think you will not take care of the bunny, and they they would have to, and they don't want the responsibility. animals are a life time commitment you cannot just dump your hammys on your brother because you want something different. what happens next birthday when you are sick of your rabbit and would so ANYTHING for a different pet?  
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