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1st Match : Monster Bash

Ezekiel Jackson vs Mark Henry vs The Great Khali vs Snitsky

2nd Match : US Championship (Fatal 4-Way)

Festus vs Shelton Benjamin (c) vs Kozlov vs The Miz

3rd Match : Womens Championship (Bunny Mania)

Mickie James vs Beth Phoenix (c)

4th Match : Divas Championship (Bra And Panties)

Natalya vs McCool (c)

5th Match : ECW Championship (Extreme Rules)

Matt Hardy vs John Morrison (c)

6th Match : Money In The Bank

MVP vs Kennedy vs Kane vs Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho vs Evan Bourne vs Elijah Burke vs Kofi Kingston

7th Match : Street Fight Match

Mr. McMahon vs Ultimate Warrior

Special Referee : Ric Flair

8th : 6 Man Tag-Team Match (Night of Legends)

JBL, Zack Ryder, & Kurt Hawkins vs The Rock, Mick Foley, & Stone Cold

Special Referee : Hulk Hogan

9th Match : RAW vs SD! Brand Supremacy 1st Round

CM Punk vs Umaga (Steel Cage)

10th Match : RAW vs SD! Brand Supremacy 2nd round

Batista vs Big Show (Last Man Standing)

11th Match : RAW vs SD! Brand Supremacy 3rd Round

John Cena vs Edge (Anywhere Falls)

12th Match : WWE Championship (Triple Threat)

Randy Orton (c) vs Triple H vs Jeff Hardy

Main Event : World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker (c)




  1. I love your card! Now if only the WWE could see it like you do...

    1: My man Zeek!

    2: Koslov

    3: Beth Phoenix

    4: Natalya Neidhart

    5: Matt Hardy

    6:Kof Kingston

    7: Ultimate Warrior

    8: The Rock, Foley and Stone Cold

    9: Punk, but it'll be a fluke

    10: Big Show

    11:'s always Cena

    12: Probably Hardy

    13: 2 hometown boys...but probably Undertaker.

  2. 1st Match : The Great Khali

    2nd Match : Festus

    3rd Match :Mickie James altough I would want Beth Pheonix to win

    4th Match : McCool

    5th Match : Matt Hardy

    6th Match : Rey Misterio

    7th Match : Ultimate Warrior

    8th Match : The Rock, Mick Foley & Stone Cold

    9th Match : CM Punk

    10th Match : Batista

    11th Match :John Cena

    12th Match : Triple H

    Main Event : Undertaker

  3. Mark Henry


    Mickie James


    Matt Hardy

    Rey Mysterio

    Ultimate Warrior

    The Rock, Mick Foley, & Stone Cold



    John Cena

    Triple H


    9/10.The main event rocks!!!!!

  4. 1.ezekiel jackson

    2.anyone but benjamin

    3.mickie james


    5.morrison (my opinoin)

    6.evan bourne (air bourne,evan all mighty,evan from heaven)

    7.ultimate warrior foley punk



    12.jeff hardy


    10/10 awsome dude

  5. 1 Ezekiel 5/10

    2 Kozlov 9/10

    3 McBeth 10/10

    4 Natalya 7/10

    5 Matt Hardy 9/10

    6 Evan Bourne 10/10

    7 The Ultimate Warrior 5/10

    8 Rock Sock & Stone Cold 4/10

    9 Umaga 8/10

    10 Big Show 10/10

    11 John Cena (that horse has been put down) 1/10

    12 Jeff Hardy 8/10

    Main Undertaker 10/10

  6. 1st Match : Monster Bash

    Ezekiel Jackson vs Mark Henry vs The Great Khali vs Snitsky


    w= Khali or Henery

    2nd Match : US Championship (Fatal 4-Way)

    Festus vs Shelton Benjamin (c) vs Kozlov vs The Miz

    6 1/2 /10(not good but includes Shelton)

    w=Shelton for sure

    3rd Match : Womens Championship (Bunny Mania)

    Mickie James vs Beth Phoenix (c)

    5/10(already done million times)

    w=Beth(cause she is Glamazon)

    4th Match : Divas Championship (Bra And Panties)

    Natalya vs McCool (c)

    4/10 ok

    w=Natalya(McCool doesnt deserve this)

    5th Match : ECW Championship (Extreme Rules)

    Matt Hardy vs John Morrison (c)

    8/10 good match

    w= tough one But I ll go with Morrison

    6th Match : Money In The Bank

    MVP vs Kennedy vs Kane vs Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho vs Evan Bourne vs Elijah Burke vs Kofi Kingston

    9/10 for MITB and Bourne,Rey,Kennedy,MVP,Jericho and KK(lose 1 pt due to Kane)

    w=Jericho or Bourne(both r good to watch)

    7th Match : Street Fight Match

    Mr. McMahon vs Ultimate Warrior

    Special Referee : Ric Flair

    5/10 Good match but I dont like Warrior

    w= Warrior(cause he is not going to return for a defeat)

    8th : 6 Man Tag-Team Match (Night of Legends)

    JBL, Zack Ryder, & Kurt Hawkins vs The Rock, Mick Foley, & Stone Cold

    Special Referee : Hulk Hogan

    8/10 only for legends (try to include any good team against them like team priceless and Jericho)

    w=Team Legend

    9th Match : RAW vs SD! Brand Supremacy 1st Round

    CM Punk vs Umaga (Steel Cage)

    9/10 Awsome


    10th Match : RAW vs SD! Brand Supremacy 2nd round

    Batista vs Big Show (Last Man Standing)

    6/10 Ok

    w=Show(cause he knows more moves than Batista)

    11th Match : RAW vs SD! Brand Supremacy 3rd Round

    John Cena vs Edge (Anywhere Falls)

    9/10 It is always good to see them against each other


    w= Smackdown(it is better than RAW IMO)

    12th Match : WWE Championship (Triple Threat)

    Randy Orton (c) vs Triple H vs Jeff Hardy

    8/10 why HHH?

    w= Jeff Hardy after Twist of Fate on Orton and pins HHH after  Swanton bomb.

    Main Event : World Heavyweight Championship

    Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker (c)

    10/10 Although it is done before but I ll like to see them again for something that is worthy like Title vs Career or Title vs Streak

    W = Undertaker making  17-0 at Wrestlemania 25.

    overall it is a good card

    so 8/10


    10/10 BRU

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