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okay, so lately alot of wierd thing's have been happening to me, like i can hear people whispering my name. and in reality no one is saying it.

& i can feel people emotion's, SOMETIME'S thought's, and i always have dream's that come true & i can always feel when something bad is goann happen.

and then EARLIER i was sitting outside in the rain, and i kept starring at a street light and i kept saying to me myself for it to shutoff, and i was focusing on it REALLY hard, then after that i was walking around for like a minute or two then i looked back at the light at it was TURNED OFF like im not even kidding you.

do you maybe think it was a cousidence? i mean no other light shutt off expect that one ! :(

HELP ! please i am seriously FREAKED OUT.




  1. there are some people who can bend a spoon and even bust a light bulb using only their minds but I'm not sure if putting a light off can be done using the mind. If you're into drugs then probably that's the reason you are experiencing this but if not, then maybe its better to consult a specialist.. just to be sure..

  2. quit the drugs :)

  3. honestly go to a psychiatrist if ur that freaked

  4. its ok theres nothing to worry about it might turn out u have a gift and u should use it. girll uurrr lucky but it will b scary to know they truth and when it will happen  

  5. It's called the sixth sense. I, sometimes, have had similar happenings. This is hard to explain but is a hidden talent that very few have.

  6. well, i don't think its a coincidence, and i don't think its some demon. i think its God trying to reach out to you in some way trying to set a life up for you, if you let him.  

  7. a spirit screamed in my ear once. the word.NOOOOOOO

    dreams i have had have come true

    i have seen dark figures in places.

    i am a Christian, I know these things were of an evil nature.

    Are you a Christian also? If so, you must rebuke these things in the powerful name of JESUS CHRIST

    DO NOT TRY TO WILL THINGS TO HAPPEN. You are dabbling in the occult. Yes you might have the power to do this, but it is not of God.  

  8. Look, those are symptoms of schizophrenia. It hard to say anything to help you because we want every one to be 'normal.' I think you should see a doctor, but be very careful with any medication you might be prescribed and remember that we are all different. As to streetlights. They have heat sensors in them that turn them off from time to time. It's not unusual to have them blink off occasionally. I mention this because I really did have a problem with them and some other types of electrical things too. My problem was a little different, but I went through a period of about ten years where they would go off anytime I got near one, even driving in a car. It became so bad,  I finally told my loved one who was as skeptical as I was myself, but we began keeping tract of it when we were together. It required nothing on my part but to be within about 50 feet of the pole. It freaked my loved one when it became apparent it was some kind of real effect. It was usually just one or two out of maybe ten per mile of city driving, but sometimes it was more and was worse if I was on foot. My record was fourteen in a row. That really freaked me out and I stopped twice to see if they would go on blinking out in front of me, but they didn't. It only happened when I got within that fifty foot radius. We're all energy when you come right down to it, and I attributed it to perhaps an electric field that my own field somehow interfered with and made the heat switch kick. It was alway the big street lights and happened on the freeway too, but not as often. The point is this. There's an explanation for everything, but we have to know how to ask the question. What ever this thing was, it never hurt me and stopped just like it had started and I haven't noticed it since. I have a feeling you might be under some sort of extraordinary pressure right now. Do your best to deal with the situation and try and relax. Everything is OK. Try and make a list of all the things in your life that are bothering you (aside from the voices and dreams) and begin dealing with them on a conscious level. Remember that your senses receive more information about the world around you that can possibly be processed by your mind. Some people are more sensitive than others and their subconscious sums these things, keeps tract of them. When an event occurs that unknowing to you, your subconscious has already conceptualized, it can be projected into the conscious and seem clairvoyant. I have a feeling you are quite intelligent and have an extraordinarily sensitive mind. I'm not a psychiatrist, but have done research for a character in one of my novels that had a problem similar to yours. That was my own diagnosis in the book and he got by fine by recognizing this and dealing with the problems an extraordinary mind can present. It will be the same for you so relax. I am a little concerned about the voices. It could be something called a Venus hum which is a blood vessel too close to the eardrum. It's not dangerous at all, just a little bothersome and some people report this can be voice like. If it doesn't  stop after getting your emotional house in order, which includes proper sleep and food, go to the doctor, but be wary of medications and check them all out throughly on the net before taking anything. Kick back and enjoy your dreams. They're simply telling you how smart you are.  

  9. When the bulbs in street lights get hot they shut off. They do not all get hot at the same time, and it takes a long time for them to shut off unless they are really old bulbs.

    It sounds like you are just really in touch with peoples body language and facial expressions. Also when people feel like sad or something we put off the sad vibe. People who really care about other people can feel these vibes. That is why people are naturally drawn to happy people because we all want a piece of that delicious vibe.

    As far as people whispering your name, I dont know what to tell you. My name is Alisha and every time someone says at least ya (common here) I think they are saying my name. Try saying ( at least ya ) really fast it sounds like Alisha. When I was in school I used to think people were saying my name all the time. I have now gotten to the point that I ignore it and when someone is really trying to get my attention they really have to yell LOL  

  10. i believe you....

  11. i believe alright, i believe you have been huffing computer duster again....

  12. Hi rawr,

    I don't think your on drugs and I do believe everything you said.

    The street light may have just be a coincidence. As for the rest I can only tell you that I myself hear voices and sometimes that is how they start. This doesn't mean that you are going to hear them now all of the time. I just want you to know I understand what it feels like,OK?

    Sometimes when were going through some rough times we feel things a lot more then other people. That could make it seem like a lot more is going on . That doesn't mean I'm not validating anything you have said.

    May I suggest if you continue to hear things ,let your family know so they can help you get to a doctor and find out whats going on. A lot of people experience a voice at one time in there life and never hear it again. So try not to panic.

    If you would like to learn a little more on this subject it may ease your mind. Follow this link

    If you would like to email me please feel free to do so. No question is silly.

    Take care and never give up!


  13. You have gotten good replays and some I Question... I am a very gifted person, some things i can do are mind boggling... like you I can feel others thoughts...I don't say light turn off... but all around me they blow. Sometime it's light that surges brighter or actually blinks.. God told me that it is the fact I was wired much more electrically than most. I also can stand in line around computers at stores and offices and I actually seem to kinda spam them somehow. It gets old when it happens alot I end up waiting for them to get their thing back on right. I quit telling them it's me ... they think I'm nuts. I prayed so hard when I bought this computer, and then the net too was a lot of prayers. God has allowed me to use it well enough . I have minor glitches now and then. I was so afraid I'd blow it up  or something. All electric things also react strange around me too. Radios, TV's you name it. I want you to know this of God... he has embraced you as one of his gifted children on the earth in the latter days. Use these gifts and the others you may receive to help others and to glorify God. I talk to the dead, and it freaks people I know out. I've puposefully tried to die enough times that I see through the veil. Just remember. People are afraid of what they don't understand, so seek wisdom and knowledge in what you do with these glorious gifts... Be thankful... grow...grow ... GROW.

                         God bless you, Joni

  14. I believe that you are feeling these things, but I think you need to talk to a professional.  Try your counselor at school.

  15. First, Breathe. Breathe in, count to one, breath out, count to 2, and so on. You need to relax a little. It sounds like you may be psychic of some sort, and that's a good thing! It is good to have a gift like this, use it for something good. Next, if you are religious, pray to your God and ask him to help. Ask for him to give you only what you can comfortably handle. If you still feel like you need additional help, try a therapist, you may actually need some meds. Don't be ashamed to ask for help, things will get better! I have dealt with things like this, but the things that happen to me don't really do anyone any good, such as, I know when I am going to meet new people, when someone calls, I generally know who it is, I can think of a song I want to hear and can switch on the radio and sometimes it is playing. It's weird :) {hugs} Things will get better for you!

  16. As for the name whispering, it's likely just blood pumping through your veins in your head, and you can hear the rushing sound.  The sound of your name is something you'll recognize immediately, so your brain forms the rushing sound into that.  (I hear the same thing sometimes, or voices whispering that aren't there...)  As for feeling people's emotions, perhaps you're just a very empathetic person, and can tell how someone is feeling by their body language, or you can just sense the changes in them, especially if you know them well.  (there are positive and negative energies that can be felt by the average person).  

    As for the dreams, well...likely it's just coincidence, because I've had similar experiences, and it seems that's the case.  I used to think perhaps I was psychic, and I believe in some spiritual things, but it just isn't that way in the real world, it seems.  

    Street lights run on cycles and shut off every once in awhile.  I notice many times the one I'm staring at will shut off, or one will turn on as I drive by it.  It's just cycling.

    Or perhaps you have crazy super-powers and will one day save the world! (just kidding)

    I dunno if I helped, it's late and I'm tired...

  17. it seams to me that perhaps you may have some "supernatural" abilities. do some research, learning to control them is the key. especially the empathic abilities. those can can really take an emotional toll if you don't get a handle on them.

    you're not a freak. everyone has "supernatural" abilities. some are just stronger in some people and some people don't believe or realize just how powerful the human brain can be.

    how old are you? i ask because these 'gifts" often emerge in the teen yrs. i think simply because those yrs are just so emotionally exhausting.

  18. I am not sure that this is anything other than mind games that you semi play. I have certain things that I do that are semi strange, but I also have not had such a coincidence with something doing what i was focusing on.

    Maybe you should talk to someone who has a degree in psychology because they study this type of behavior, and they could probably get you real answers.

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