
PLEASE READ! I am 18 years old in the 10th grade should i get my GED or go back and finish?

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Like i said I'm 18 years of age but made wrong choices, hang out with wrong people, saw the worst in the street, but it took me till now to realize that the people that was so called my friends were just people that brought me down and i was stupid to be brought into their habits an behaviors of which they do. And now i wanna go back to school and finish my education and become what i always wanted to be a Radiologist. I learned the truth the hard way, You need your education to have great and successful life and thats what i want. When i was in school the work was easy, i was in Pre-Ap, AP classes. The school work was never a problem to me, just that socially i was weak minded chose the wrong path but i know that was a big mistake on my part.

And I need some advice from anybody with the similar situation or knows exactly whats best or whatever any type of advice I would really appreciate it please I need some advice!

Should I go back to High School and finish it and gain all the knowledge their is to get in High School or take the cut get my GED and start college quick? I know the School work won't be a problem to me.

I just don't know what to do somebody please give me advice please....

I say this now Thank You to anybody who gives me advice, Thank You

sincerely John




  1. I made the same mistake myself, but I was a bit older than you are now.  I didn't straighten out until I was twenty-two/twenty-three, and by that time it was too late for me to go back to high school.

    If I were you, I would consider going to a community college to get my high school diploma.  Since you only have enough credits to be a sophomore, I think it would be pretty hard to actually be in high school.  You might find that you're too mature to be around them.

    Definitely go for your diploma, you won't regret it, and you'll be so proud of yourself!

  2. The GED will take you longer than 2 years of extreme effort to pass, as the standard is put very high to keep people from dropping out of a jail-like environment staffed by sickies in many schools, and skating through soft tests later. If someone will feed you while you do it, the two years in easy classes like woodwork 1 and such will double your life earnings. Regards, Larry.

  3. I skipped your details; too wordy.  Get your GED then enroll in a community college for further education.

  4. Well it depends on what you want to do. I know that it would be nice if u graduated from high school. but if u can get by with out a high school diploma and go to a good college. then get ur GED. its great that ur trying to do the right thing. i commemd you. not many ppl in ur situation would have got that far. good luck! =)

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