
PLEASE READ THIS THING I WROTE, & tell me what you think? (:?

by  |  earlier

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i sometimes wish i knew what it's like on the other side. the place where they say the sun is always shining, and you can hear the nightengale's song. where all the longed for rich luxuries become real. everything that you've ever wanted is placed at your fingertips. and in this place, all of your most incredable, unrealistic dreams come true. most hide in doubt and disbelief; but i know a perfect world somewhere exists. but its hidden deep, far beyond reality. you cant see it unless you look for it. you dont even know it's there. not unless you choose to hear of it. you cant find it, unless you want to find it. and if you want to find it, you can. all you have to do is believe. and you'll find yourself right in the middle of a flawless, heavenly, beautiful world. you can stay there as long as you want, too. to leave the kingdom, all you have to do is wander off; into torment, violence, and hate. leave the faith that you have behind. and you will become like the world. now, you may not be exactly wishing for what was previously described. it doesnt have to be that way. you find yourself trapped, stuck in a space that seems so small, in a place as big as the world. flee from it. run away; and dont stop until you reach the light. and though it seems so far away, it's closer than you realize; if only you believe. so believe with your whole heart, and soon you will reach that place you've always dreamed of. ill be there someday too, waiting and pulling you in, so you will live in the light too. but as for today, i will remain where i am.

just tell me what you think of it; BE COMPLETELY HONEST PLEASE! and tell me what you think its trying to say and if it makes sense. im fourteen years old. i wrote this today is schoool.=)




  1. it's awesome... wow:)

  2. I think it it beautiful!!

    I also think in someway your trying to portray heaven and God & Jesus =). I might be totally wrong, lol but thats what i got out of it. And at the end the violent dark place that seems so small might be h**l, or the world.  Once again it was really beautiful <3


  3. wow!  ...  you're only 14!

    i think you're trying to put Jesus and Heaven

    and eternal life in different shows

    that you have faith, you are optimistic, very compassionate.

    wanting to tell other people how to get there.

    i hope you would find a modern Bible version

    and read the gospel of John, just to be sure

    you really know how to get to ...

    ... that wonderful place you described...

    you are quite creative, and express

                                                     your thoughts very well.

    KEEP WRITING !!!!!

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