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Okay everyone I am really worried so I will really really appreciate honest and helpful answers. I am a 23 year old guy, my height is 5, 8". And my weight is 117 pounds, my waist is 29". I am really depressed these days, my weight keeps falling over the summer I kept eating and working out but instead of increasing, my weight decreased 3 pounds (120 to 117). I have a slim body structure. Can anyone tell me whats going on and help me. I am on the verge of anxiety, I can't even find a girl coz I look so weak. God bless you all




  1. I was a lot like you. When I was 17 I weighed 115 pounds and I was 5'7. I was very athletic but everyone told me I was too skinny. I just recently started to really try and get bigger. I actually ate and eat a lot, but have a fast metabolism.

    I saw that not being skinny could only be in two ways, gain muscle or gain fat. I choose the gain muscle part.

    I bought 1 bench and lots of weight for pretty cheap on craiglist. I started to seriously work out for the past 3 weeks and what I have noticed is that I gained muscle really fast because I had no fat to lose. Im 18 right now and I weight around 125 pounds and am 5'9.

    I am still considered kind of skinny but if you look at me you can easily see the muscles.

    Btw If you workout you have to eat A LOT. Try not to eat fat cuz it does you no good. And what I do is I also drink protein shake, which has mass builder since I need mass.

    Its okay that you lost some pounds, It happened to me to when I started working out. ALso don't expect to gain weight all of a sudden. It will take some time. Focus on your forms when u work out. Good luck

  2. You are what you are.

    Rather than trying to change to suite what you think are the things a girl is after you should be making the most of what you have.  

    Sure a work out is the smart thing to do but do it for the health benefit, not to make you something your not.    Maybe your not going to have women tossing them selfs at you,  that is just how it is.  You are like the rest, there are not many guys who are that lucky.  

    People always respect someone that is realistic about their ability's over someone who is living a pretend life.    

    Maybe after working out for a while it will come to you.  Who knows.  

    If it does thats great,  

  3. You must see a doctor immediately

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