

by Guest61361  |  earlier

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I recently got this cat from some friends about 3 weeks ago.

they had him since he was a kitten,but they suddenly had to relocate

and cannot take him to where they are going, i took him in and gave him love ,i mean he has toys food etc.. but now i notice him crying real tears , now i'm sad and i'm unable to stop crying ,please tell me if i'm doing any thing wrong, so i can stop doing it. thank you.




  1. cats cry by meowing. see if he has anything in his eyes

  2. What do you me crying? As in wandering around the house and miaowing?

    If he has tears in his eyes that may indicate and eye infection  get Neosporin or another type of antibiotic eye drops or creme.

    If Neosporin does not work he may be coming down with a virus and you should have him looked at by the vet

    I am sure the cat loves you too or will learn to love you shortly. Just don't grab it. cats don't like that, and let him come to you when he is ready. Also cats are very territorial and need time to adapt to new surroundings.

    You will both be fine and will have a great time together.

  3. If the cat has fluid coming from its eyes, then I think you may need to take it to the vet.  I've had cats for years and never had any of them "cry" before.  I don't think that is normal, so your cat might be sick.

  4. Interesting. There might be some allergie issues that are causing the discharge or more likely he might have clogged tear ducts or just eye trouble.

    Try and keep his eyes clean as possible (eye wipes and drops can be found at most pet stores) and, if it continues, take him to the vet.

    Good luck

  5. Unless I'm unaware of something, cats don't cry. It's possible he has an eye infection, or like someone else mentioned, allergies. Probably needs a vet visit

  6. Take your cat to the vet! I do not think it is possible for it to have an emotional connection...

    look at this web link:

  7. aww he wants to stay a kitten :(

  8. Well he's probably not crying, he most likely has watery eyes (allergies). i would take him to the vet to see what's actually up.  and i would not know if you're doing something wrong if i dont know what your doing.  just make sure u clean the litter box every day and change the litter box once a week.  give him 2 spoons of wet food every 3-4 hours and always keep fresh water and dry food out.  hope your cat feels better :)

  9. maybe he misses his past owners?

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