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Please suggest me a suitable gift for my best friend, as her birthday is coming near (3 September) and she will turn 16 this year, I want to give her something very special and nice so that she’ll never forget me and my gift.

Let me tell you something about herself, she doesn’t like cosmetic products so please don’t suggest me something like that.

She is so close to my heart,

Actually I m leaving next year and this is my last year with her so I want you people to suggest me something nice.

Please please please suggest me 5 gifts each with approximate price

Please I request you all to suggest me 5 gifts each so that I’ll can choose the best for her from so many.

Please don’t suggest me something very costly cuz I m just a student not a business woman




  1. Hey, why do you need to buy something? Sometimes the best gift is something you made(pictue frame with u guys in it-decorated or something). out of all people, you should know her best because she is your best friend. You could get her something totally crazy, that would be remebered, like one year I got my best friend a whole bunch of air feshener becuase she was using all ours. Use your past experiences with her to figure out what to get her, trust me, you know what to get her more than people who answer this question will.

  2. i would say a nice warm hug lota of love and a red beautiful dinner gown.

  3. If she likes Books: Buy a good story book

    If you want something to last..: Buy a locker pendant where you can put both-of your photos.

    Buy her a small PM3 player and put all the songs she love. ( if it expensive record a CD/DVD )

    Get 2 coffee mugs printed with you and your friends face... so both of you can remember every time you drink coffee..

    it's 1AM now and nothing else coming to my mind...

  4. I would suggest you prepare a special album and attach your pictures in them reminding her of old time with a little script next to each picture remembering what happened during those times... Its very memorable and will last for ever and i think it's special as it's made especially for her... my friend did this for me when we were 14 it was my 14th birthday and I still have it now. I am 23 now andI 'm still mates with her.. every now and again we look at it and laugh our heads off when we think back of what little geeks we were even our kids see them. she made it with her own decorations, scruffy stickers here and there, pictures of us when we were little and and her babyish hand writing underneath each picture like a diary but do you know what, its still special to me.. I still love her to bits no other expensive gift has beaten this I swear.

  5. as you are her best friend you shud know better than anybody else what her fav things are..a few ideas.

    1.make a custom cd or mixed tape of her favorite songs/songs u both cherish.

    2.make a collage on a huge chart paper with old photos of u and your friend.

    3.make her a nice homemade greeting card,signed by all ur friends.

    4.make a video using a camcorder and interview all your buddies.ask them to describe your buddy in their words.

    5.try to make a radio jockey dedicate her favorite song on air.

    hope this helps.

    Or You Could Make Handmade Gifts

    go to these sites - 24k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

    Nature Crafts -

    Recycling Crafts -

    Kid's Crafts -

    these crafts will help u just make it has a gift's if has something to write(its because the crafts are for holidays so) in it u write happy bday rather than eg : happy easter  

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