

by Guest61913  |  earlier

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I am 14 years old.

I want a flat stomach, please don't say I'm too young and shouldn't be worrying about that, PLEASE.

I'm not exactly FAT but I have little bump for my stomach and I don't like my legs.

I am starting something new.

On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays I do Tae Bo and on Thursdays and Fridays I do Tae Bo Abdominals.

I do 200 jumps and 200 sit ups a day.

On Saturdays and Sundays I continue with the jumps and sit ups but nothing else.

For breakfast I now have a glass of milk, a bit of whole grain cereal and a piece of fruit, for lunch a egg salad brown bread sandwich OR tuna salad brown bread sandwich.

At about 4 o clock I have a strawberry actimel.

I've cut out junk food and fizzy drinks.

How long will it take for me to get a flat stomach?

Do you think I should eat diferently or do a diferent sport?


Love you all :)




  1. Don't worry about a little bulge, it will sort out in a few years (sorry, but it is a fact). Other than that, you don't need to look "perfect." You are overreacting to nothing that is a big problem in the first place. Plus, I don't see way too many 14 year olds with perfectly flat stomachs.... most have a little bulge.

  2. Your exercise plan is fine. As for diet, try this


    Egg whites, 1 slice wheat toast

    10:30 Am Snack--apple or pear, 3 walnut halves

    Lunch--Huge green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, vinaigrette dressing, plus skinless chicken, turkey or fish

    3:30 PM Snack--apple or pear, 3 walnut halves

    Dinner--Huge plate of greens (spinach, broccoli, cabbage, kale) plus skinless chicken, turkey or fish

    Drink 8 glasses of water and all the sugar free lemonade you want

  3. I'm glad of what you are doing now mate. You've got the best now! So just keep going on. Mind you, it takes a thousands of time for you to have a flat stomach or tummy. I shall have recommended you to use Sauna Belt but I think it would be inappropriate for others because it costs much :) So, I'm proud of what you practice now because I have been doing that since I become aware of everything. But I lack self-control. When I had seen your question, I was merely encouraged about it! :)

  4. you should drink enough plain water...


    1)exercise to build muscle-3x per week(20 minutes per session)

    2) eat to increase your metabolism rate-don't skip your meal-breakfast,lunch,dinner and 2 snacks between meal..take smaller portion every meal...

    3) water for detox-drink a lot of plain water. for every 25 kg you gained, drink 1 litre of plain water...

    try this tips in one month and you will get a great result...

    hope this will help


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