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PLEASE tell me these wrestling spoiler sites do this with everyone. I was reading and it said "Kennedy leaving wwe". After I had a heart attack...I opened the link and read on. It said his contract is expiring soon and with the way his year went..he could be released. I know they dont know this for sure...but im scared. I don't want Kennedy to go. I will be so upset!!! I miss him so much already!

When is Kennedy expected back from his injury?

Please tell me...Do the wrestling sites always say this about people when their contract is expiring?!




  1. They'll probably resign with him. I haven't heard that Mr. Kennedy has had any major issues with the WWE. He's a good talent and yeah.  

  2. First of all let me tell you my friend....Dont believe all the spoilers you read...kennedy will be back soon i hope...

    We all read spoilers and thought it was kane's mask in his bag..we were mistaken..This is why i tell ppl not to believe everything you hear or read...

  3. fakeeeeeeee

  4. That headline served it's purpose.  It got you to click on the link and made the site a little money.  The people who write that stuff don't care about accuracy, they only want you on their sites so they can make money from advertisements.

    I don't read spoiler sites for two very simple facts:  anybody can make a spoiler site.  You can, I can, the guy above me can.  Those who write these spoilers are, as you found out, twisting facts and making predictions.  Anybody can do that.

    And the other reason is because, by the law of averages, they'll get something right sometimes, and I don't want to know that stuff until I see it happen on my TV screen.

    If you must read spoilers, please keep in mind that ANYBODY can make predictions and call them "spoilers".  Do you honestly think that Vince McMahon, Jeff Jarrett, or any wrestler wants this stuff posted before the shows air, assuming any of it is correct?  How many viewers do they lose because some people read spoilers instead of watching the shows?  How much money do they lose because people read spoilers instead of watching the shows and buying the PPVs.  The point is, Vince and the rest are not going to allow real information to "leak" to some spoiler writer.  So take everything you read at a spoiler site with a huge grain of salt.

  5. no one can really tell about mr.kennedy's fate after the expiration of his contract.. some may assume that the wwe will release him 'coz of his injuries but we can't settle on such idea not until it was confirmed by the wwe management.. but if ever that happens, mr. kennedy will sure have a place in other promotions particularly tna which is the new haven of talented yet neglected wrestlers.. to sum this up, wrestling sites can also be misinformed so we shouldn't always believe the stuff they post on their sites..

  6. Now why would he leave wwe.He won the mitb and was headlining for headliner.Mr kennedy is a very patient man and is already waiting for his push he only has injuries so maybe wwe can suprise us by maybe making him us champion

  7. Im sure kennedy won't leave, most sites say that if the wwe superstars dont remake  their contract within a few months that they wold leave but its hardly unlikely most stars chose to use up all of their contract then renew it

  8. No i dont think they always say that but ya it can be a possibilty him leaving but no one is sure besides WWE and Kennedy so hang on tight budd....Ya KENDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEYY

  9. Kennedy isnt retiring anytime soon this one time i was reading that the undertaker was leaving the company but he didnt plus i couldnt find any info to prove it and also ses the deadman is still here right now kennedy is out with another injury i like him as a face morre than a h**l though

  10. I m sorry to say this but i also heard the same thing. It is possible due to his injuries in past year.Whenever his push is written he injure himself at the same moment(remeber he was the original ''illegemate son of Mr McMohan and he was shceduled to take the title from Shelton at SSlam)I would also likes to include this he was the one who was also scheduled to win WHC from Undertaker when he was injured and his surgery was pending last year

    So if this happens it is not a to surprise  

  11. Kennedy has way too much talent and charisma for WWE to even think about releasing him.

    He was due for two big pushes with the MITB win at wrestlemania being one and if i recall correct was injured both times.

    He will be a Main Eventer in years to come and there is no way WWE want TNA to get there hands on him anytime soon.

  12. it could be fake or real u nvr know but i hope it isnt real cuz i like mr.kennedy now

    but...if its real thats very dissapointing

    if he doesnt thats great

  13. this is fake

  14. its not fake the wwe very well could release him but dont worry about it wrestling is his profesion if they dont renue his contract h**l find another plaace like TNA

    also stay off those wrestling spoiler sites i went on one i got this viris on the computer not a thing i could do about it seriously it was disguised as antivirus software WATCH OUT!

  15. His Contract is set to expire but it's highly unlikely we'll see him leave the WWE

  16. sorry it is......NOT TRUE  

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