
PLEASE answer this. Should I start figure skating? Im 15.?

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PLEASE answer this. Should I start figure skating? Im 15.?




  1. Why not? It's always good to try new things. You probably aren't headed to the Olympics, but there's nothing wrong with just skating for the enjoyment of it.

    Have fun, and good luck.

  2. I think you should start skating if you really want to! You need to make sure that this is something you definitely want to do though, as skates and classes may be expensive. Since you're in high school it may be harder for you to progress as much because you probably do not have as much time to practice, but it is definitely a fun sport and of course great to learn!

  3. I think you keep posting this question, am I right?  I don't see why you need anyone to tell you.  If you want to, do it, otherwise think of anothe question.

  4. I answered your other 2 questions.  I know it may seem scary to start something new . . . but the only way you'll know if this is something for you to get into is to JUST TRY IT.

    Maybe get some skates and skate on your own for a while (if you've never skated before).  In the meantime, do some research on what the rink offers . . . especially group classes.  With group classes, you'll be learning with others in your age range and level . . . and you won't have to worry about going into this alone!!  You'd all be in the same boat!  

    It'll be exciting!!  Once you start, you probably will want more and more to do with ice skating . . . when you're bitten by the skating bug like most of us here, you're hit hard!!!  So go out there and skate . . . have FUN most of all!!!!!!

    Hope that helps!!!!  :)

  5. Go ahead and begin skating if you feel that it is something that you would like to try. I would enroll in your local ice rink's group lesson program. Good luck!

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