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Music video clips survey

Age: Gender:

How often do you watch music video clips?

A) About once a week

B) Nearly everyday

C) Hardy ever

D) About once a fortnight

E) About once a month

Why do you watch them?

A) Bored

B) For entertainment

C) You don’t intentionally watch them.

D) Other (please explain):

Do you think that women in music video clips dress/act /dance in an improper way?


Do you/or have you felt pressured to act/dress or/& dance like people in music video clips?


Do you think that the way young women look and act in video clips are to blame for many more teenagers being worried about self-image more now day than in past time.


Do you believe that something should be done to stop the way people act in many of today music video clips act? (Please explain your answer)


Why do you think young women act this way in music clips?

How would you explain the way they act?




  1. 59, female


    D  I used to watch them 20 years ago, but other things have taken priority since those days.

    Women in music videos are often dressed in provocative outfits.  Many times extremely inappropriate considering their audience.  Everything screams "s*x" so no wonder girls are having s*x at too early an age.  

    Have I felt like dressing like that?  LOL!  You wouldn't want me to.  No

    Yes, self image is not helped by the very small minority of people in general who are built like models and dancers.

    You are assuming that the women WANT to look like that.   Maybe they do, maybe they don't.  One thing is certain:   s*x SELLS.

    Everything comes down to the American sense of capitalism.  Why dress with more clothes when less will make you rich?  Their promoters push the look and they feel they must do as they are told to make it in the industry.

    I don't think they ALL want to dress in skimpy outfits.

  2. Music video clips survey

    Age: 35  Gender: F

    How often do you watch music video clips? C

    A) About once a week

    B) Nearly everyday

    C) Hardy ever

    D) About once a fortnight

    E) About once a month

    Why do you watch them? A

    A) Bored

    B) For entertainment

    C) You don’t intentionally watch them.

    D) Other (please explain):

    Do you think that women in music video clips dress/act /dance in an improper way? Y


    Do you/or have you felt pressured to act/dress or/& dance like people in music video clips? N


    Do you think that the way young women look and act in video clips are to blame for many more teenagers being worried about self-image more now day than in past time. N


    Do you believe that something should be done to stop the way people act in many of today music video clips act? (Please explain your answer) N  It's entertainment.  People who choose to view will be moved in some way, yet others will not.  It's a matter of choice and other influences on one's lifestyle.


    Why do you think young women act this way in music clips?

    they are paid to do so

    How would you explain the way they act?

    how they are asked and paid to respond, they are merely trying to make a living.

    3 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

  3. 16 female

    e) about once a month

    c) i don't intentionally watch them.




    no, as it is a free society, artists should be able to express themselves whichever way they want.

    because that's what they're getting paid to do.

    i have no clue.

  4. 15. Female

    A) Once a week

    B) For entertainment.

    Yeah sometimes I think that all women don't need to shake their @sses like that to look good. Its stupid. But then I don't watch those kind of videos.

    No, I've never felt pressured to act like that.

    I think that these videos DO influence teenagers. But only those who are extremely conscious of their body. Personally, I've never dressed like those people in music videos. But in general, my answer is - YES.

    Yes. Airing them late at night or less often might help. Channels should be warned about that. That would be practical since we obviously can't stop people from making such videos. They'll just say that they have freedom of expression and all that c**p to justify their stupidity.

    I think those women act like that just because they are paid for it. They want money, fame and recognision. They are basically stupid.

    I think their acts are vulgar and S****y.

  5. 26.Female

    C - Hardly Ever

    D - For the music




    Yes, putting some clothes on would help. All videos are the same now.

    To get money

    Sexual, but hey it works for them

  6. Gender: Female

    C) Hardly ever

    A) Bored




    Yes and No. It is quite influencing young people today, and I think something has to be done to stop the singers/dancers dressing improperly in the video clip. Sadly, it has been so influencial that if the government tries to bend the rules, there'll be lots of debates and proetsts going on. It might be an ever worse situation than before.

    They want fame, want money, want guys, want to be popular. Peer pressure from other people who dress/act the same way as seen on many video clips

    Hmm... definitely got the men excited in this case [If women are in the video clip]

  7. no offense dude, but.. PATHETIC QUESTION!!!

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