
PLEASE give me your suggestions for a happier, less depressing winter.?

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My mental health is REALLY altered during these months and I don't want to do this to myself anymore. If I have to endure one more cold, flowerless, greenless, leafless, winter I will absolutely go out of my mind. I absolutely MUST make this winter the last winter I spend this way. How can I find a list of cities in the United States that stay green year round? I'm ready to start packing! Thanks.




  1. This is really important.

    What you have sounds like a recognized medical condition, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  There are treatments available.  

    Do not simply try to diagnose or treat this yourself.  See a qualified person.  Your doctor can help you find someone.

    Many sufferers of SAD have found relief in the desert Southwest.  The sunshine is more important than the plants, if you have SAD.

  2. Get outside and enjoy some winter sports.

    Enjoy the winter beauty of a walk in the woods.

    Stay indoors and you will get cabin fever.

  3. Move to Africa

  4. Until you can get out of the cold, here's a few suggestions:

    Dress brightly....

    go to a tanning booth...

    cook on your grill outside, even if you have to do it in your garage...

  5. California, Texas, Florida

  6. Try joining a group of people with interests like yours.

  7. There are two possibilities. You could move to a Mediterranean climate, where the cost of living is, in general, through the roof. A good book on climatology can map the places for you. The USDA Yearbook of Agriculture for 1941, Climate and Man, has maps for both the U.S. and for the world.

    The other approach is to fight the SAD. The easiest way is to place a lamp on a timer. Have it in your bedroom and set it so that a bright light goes on an hour before your alarm goes off. Effectively, that increases day length.

    If you want the world to be greener, get a house plant. Some of the bromeliads in the genus Billbergia flower in January.

  8. Bob, Shanna and I agree -- however, try something else.  Feed birds.  There is nothing (to me) more soothing than to watch the birdies gather around the food you put outside for them.

  9. the easiest and the cheapest thing to do is get the sunlight bulbs for the house especially where you sit the most. i've found this to help alot.

  10. Try New Orleans-  the weather is pretty decent, and you'll get used to the humidity- also, you apparently can read/write English, so you would be a welcome and very useful addition to the population.

  11. Well apart from the obvious moving - how about adjusting your life to the winter months.  Semi hibernate!  Ive just spent this winter pretty much as close to home as possible, going only where necessary, doing household and garden jobs, not filling my schedule with too much, taking time to cook full nutritious winter meals, having only a select few visitors and reflecting on the past year, being grateful for what i have in my life.   Slowing down your pace of life and getting back in tune with nature, sleeping more during the winter etc - its what we are supposed to do as we are part of nature and all its cycles of life.

    It definitely works for me and i dont seem to get into the depression i used to which used to start in october and last through til march/april.  Now i find im a bit low in february but manage to keep things going and by march im picking up and buzzing with anticipation for the spring.  (i am in the uk, so my months might not make sense to you in the us!)

  12. Why only the US? Try Ecuador. They use our currency, you can get three square means a day at a restaurant for $5.00 (total) and the public transportation is phenomenal. You can find nice, nice properties for under $10,000 in beautiful temperate valleys, with lush green vegetation year-round and an internet connection. Plus, super money making opportunities.

  13. Northern California is the place.  Not so hot as southern.  Not humid like Florida or New Orleans.  Lots of places to live in a big city or a small one and jobs can be round.  It may not be green year round but defintely no frozen time!

  14. I know what you mean! It's still snowing here and cold and windy! I'm so ready for spring! Unfortunately I've always lived where it snows so I can't personally recommend any place over another. But I have seen (and taken) this "Find your best place" quiz on Sperling's Best Places webpage. Maybe that will give you an idea of where to go.

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