
PLEASE help! i need some reasurring words to help me sleep?

by  |  earlier

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its now 22:08pm and i have school in the morning. i can't sleep. this is because something strange has been happenig to me for the past 3 1/2 months or so. i feel detatched, like im walking in somebody else's body. or maybe its my vision. in my vision i see millions of tiny specks flying around. and i mean MILLIONS. they have been in my vision for the followig 3 1/2 months non-stop. i am extremely worried and every single night i have trouble sleeping as im scared i will die in my sleep. that is how worried i am. i cannot talk to my mum as she is sleeping AND whenever i tell her im worried about whats happening to me she gets very angry and shouts at me to stop being so stupid. so i have no help whatsoever. could somebody keep reasurring me that i will be ok. i have not been able to go to the doctors as my mum thinks it is not serious in any way. but i am extremely worried! i cannot get my mind to convince me i will be ok. im on the verge of tears as i am fed up of this strange feeling i have been getting and i just want to get better. also, my emotions have been dull these past 3 1/2 months. nothing is EVER funny to me anymore. i dont know why. could somebody maybe tell me whats wrong with me? i need help! im only 14 and if somebody could keep emailing me to reasurre me that i will be ok i just ned some kind words to help me sleep. thank you very much if you have read all this!




  1. No offense but your mom kind of stupid because she thinks nothing will happen right? What if you go mental or something ? Go to the doctor. Get help. Don't worry to much just say I'll be ok. There is tons of things that can help you.

  2. i think u should get a check up at the doctors anyway. u dont need to tell your mum u are going, its all private.

    but there is probably nothing serious going on, it sounds lik u could be very tired so maybe have dry eyes? any slight headaches will be due to the worry.

    please dont worry, really dont think its anything to worry about, u will be ok. just try to get to sleep, and i promise u, u will not die in ur sleep!! u really wont.

    just to be sure tho, please see the doctor, he/she can reassure u more than we can, sweet dreams.

  3. Why not pop down to your Doctor yourself...they can help with all sorts of problems. I don't think your gonna die in your sleep. i really don't. You will be ok, no matter what your docotor can help if its a 'mental' problem. You will be ok, go and sleep well.

  4. Go to the doctors .

    You can go on your own and it will  be completely confidential,

    They wont think your stupid, but if you dont go then you are,

    It very well might be nothing serious but just check,

    Please go soon

  5. It is unfortunate that your mom isn't taking your concerns seriously. I would ask her once more to take you to the doctor. If she won't then call the doctor yourself and make an appointment. You may even be able to talk to the doctor's nurse and explain your symptoms to her. Since you are underage, your parents may have to sign to have you treated by a doctor. Explain your mother's attitude to the nurse also. Explain that you really NEED to see the doctor with or without your parents. I wish you luck. I'm sure that whatever it is, it can be found and treated. Try to relax and get some sleep.....not getting enough rest isn't good for your health either. Tell yourself that you are going to talk to your mom once more - tomorrow - and then call the doctor either way...........

  6. Sleep little baby, sleep, turn of the computer for starters. Maybe you should have your eyes tested! not hard for your mum to accept, then if he finds anything odd he will recommend to your mum to see a doctor. Sleep now. xx

  7. by misfortune i cannot tell you exactly what the source of your problem is, it might be a bad diet  but dunot believe completely in what I'm telling you because I'm not a doctor, anywayz, i know how does it feel to be in this kind of situations, it feels really bad to be ignored when you think that you are going trough something serious.

        it would be very helpfull to know what happened when all this whole problem started, I would like to tell you that nothing is going to happen and that with a good breakfst everything will be ok (even though it helps, when you are worried you dont even notice that you are not eating well) but it might be something serious, something that you cannot ignore, well you should try to get help from another person in your family like an aunt or someone else. for the sleeping part, if you keep staying awake you will become even weaker than that you already are, so try to you know, play some music in your ipod, read something, but try to rest and remember that there is no problem without a solution, it might be easier to solve that you think,(but definitivelly you should try to go to the doctor [you british people are so unlucky, in mexico there are multinational medical companies that charge you for every visit you pay to the doctor about 10 pesos {1 dollar}]) anyway i wish you luck (and thanks for reading all this)

  8. Just make an appointment at the doctor's - you don't need your mother to hold your hand do you?

  9. I'm sure you're fine. It might be because you are 14 and your body is experiencing many changes. One thing I do know is that worry is very bad for anyone, and I know how you feel, as I experienced that feeling quite recently.

    So what to do, a good idea would be to get some oil of lavender and sprinkle it on your pillow. maybe you can play some soft, relaxing music (headphones?) take deep breaths to relax you, and maybe eat a piece of toast.

    Can you see the school nurse or someone else who can reassure you? Why not go to the doctor on your own? not because I think there's anything wrong with you but because you need reassurance.

  10. The more you think about it, the worse you will think it is. Its highly unlikely you'll die from blurry vision. Just persuade your mum or whoever to take you to the doctors so you can get peace of mind. I had thesame problem with headaches. And the more I thought that something was wrong with me, (I thought i had a brain tumor or something), the more it ached and wouldn't go away. take pain-relief if needed, and just try not to worry or think about it. It might be slightly psychological and so forget about your issue if you can and go out with your friends and have a laugh with them. If it doesn't go away and your mum doesn't take you to the doctors, try going to the school nurse if you have one and she may beable to help. Don't worry about it for the moment, I'm sure youre absolutely fine. x

  11. I think you should go to a Doctor if you're that worried. Your Mum doesn't need to know.

    I'm sure you'll be fine and put some music on or read a book if you can't sleep.


  12. You should go to a doctor darling, I feel really bad for you, and that you have these disturbing things happening to you. I had depression from a young age, and used to find it so difficult to sleep, although I didn't have the same feelings you are it was still distressing.

    If you don't feel you can see a doctor ( remember they won't tell your mum if you don't want them to ) then maybe you could contact the samaritans you can email them when you can't sleep, or phone, I'm sure you could ask them to call you back on your mobile if you have one.

    I'm not a doctor, so I can't say what's wrong with you, but it seems you are having some anxiety issues, and these are what are causing you to feel you are going to die. I really hope you manage to speak to someone about this

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